Maroc: Solo

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I went over to Star's secrets closest and started looking for it. I know it's in here somewhere I just have to look harder. I dug through the piles of junk and searched ever crack. I'm not stopping until I find it. "What are you doing Marco?" Janna asked

"Trying to find our only way down there."

"Do you want any help?"

"No, I'm fine Janna. Plus you don't even know what it looks like."

"Okay just tell me when you find it. Until then I'm going to watch some TV."

As Janna left the room I got back to searching. I know it's in here but where! When onto of a pile of junk and tripped and rolled down it. When I slammed against the wall I opened my eyes to see it in the corner of the closet. I Picked it up and gave it a good look. Yep, this is it all right, it's the bell I used to go after Star when she went to the Blood Moon Ball with Tom. I hope it still works!

As I climb out of the closet I went to go tell Janna I found it. But something stopped me. Janna has already helped out so much, for something that's all my fault. I think she's helped enough. Plus I don't want to take her to the underworld. I don't know what could be down there. I've only ever been to Tom's place and where the ball was. I could be really dangerous and I don't want Janna to get hurt. If anyone deserves to be hurt it's me, not Star or Janna. ME! This is all my fault and I should be the one to pay for it not them. I must go on this rescue mission solo.

I peeked down the stairs to see if Janna was still there. I notice that she had fallen asleep on the couch. Good, now she won't notice me leaving. I wrote a note explaining what I had to do and put in on the coffee table in front of her and I went back upstairs. When I rang the bell and like before, as I got in the cart pulled by a demon, then one thought came into to my head. I hope Star wants to see me.

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