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I didn't go to the dance. Cheryl insisted so much and even a few guys asked to take me to the dance - thinking I would say yes because apparently because of my memory loss I'm 'desperate' and I would go with any guy - but I said no.

I wasn't sure but probably Jughead and I had a thing, most likely we were dating. Because I said "I love you." and I don't think that I would say that to anyone.

It was hard for him, I knew that. He was broken because I didn't remember him. I didn't wanted to go to the dance with him because he wouldn't want to -probably-. I mean who would want to go to the dance with a girl who barely remembers them?

And I didn't want to go with any other guy because I thought Jughead would be upset. It was hard for him already and I didn't have any right to make it harder on him.

Instead I stayed home and good thing I did. After the dance, Cheryl threw a party. I sat down and watched them.

"It's game time at Chez Blossom, kiddies." said Cheryl. We're going old school tonight. Seven Minutes in Heaven. Who wants to tryst in the Closet of Love first? My vote is "A", for Archie" she continued. "Anyone care to second it?"

"Wait, actually-"Archie said but Cheryl didn't care. She was planning something. She wanted chaos, maybe it was her way of dealing with our loss. Ugh, who am I kidding? She was just a bitch but I still loved her. She was family after all.

"Yes, Andrews, yes! All right. Gather round, kids. Let's see who is riding the ginger stallion tonight."

"Oh, no way! It's clearly pointing to the New Girl!" Reggie said. Unfortunately, I remembered him. "This should be fun."

"Um, I'm not doing this." said Veronica Lodge. I did hear about her and her father. It was good to know that I was not the only one who was being gossiped about in the Riverdale High. Selfish, maybe.

"That's up to you," Cheryl says, "But, if you don't, house rules decree the hostess gets to take your turn."

So, Archie and Veronica went into the closet.

The blonde girl with a ponytail was clearly not okay, she looked sick. While other joked about Archie and Veronica, she stood up ran away.

"I think I like him, Rose. I know it's weird. He is my best friend but... I don't know I like him." she said as she moved aside to let me sit on her bed.

"It's not weird, Betty. You can't control your emotions. You should tell him." I told her as I pulled her into a hug.

"If only you tell him." she said smiling. "Jug needs to know. And you two look good together."

I laughed. "Don't be ridiculous, I don't like Jug." She rolled her eyes and laughed.

"Whatever you say, Rose, whatever you say."

That was why she ran away, she liked Archie. And I liked Jughead.

"You are my best friend, Betty Cooper." said little me. We were 6 years old or something. Playing outside their house.

"You're my best friend too, Rose Blossom." she said as we hugged each other. Then her mother, Alice Cooper, opened the door.

"Betty! What are you doing with that Blossom girl?" she shouted. Betty looked at me and hold my hand.

"No. She is my best friend and we will play." said little Betty. Her mother shrugged and walked back into the house, probably to complain about Betty to Hal Cooper.

"Thanks for standing up for me." I said smiling.

"Always, best friend." she said and we continued playing.

"Betty!" I screamed as I went after her. I knew her, Betty Cooper, one of my best friends, the cute neighbor girl who is in love with the hot redhead living next door. "Betty, wait!" I ran after her but she was quicker.

"I remember you!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. She stopped and turned around. "Did Veronica know you liked Archie?" I asked and she nodded. "I'm gonna finish that Veronica." I said and she laughed. I walked towards her and hugged her.

"You are my best friend, Betty Cooper." I said.

"You're my best friend too, Rose Blossom." she said smiling but she was still crying.


I was by my locker when Jughead came. "Hey." he said. I smiled and said "Hey." to him as I grabbed my books and closed he locker.

"I remembered Betty." I said smiling. "And I feel like you're next." He smirked.

I wanted to remember him. He was such a different person. In school, sometimes I was watching him without him knowing. He was good at hiding his emotions but when he was near me, he was smiling and laughing.

I loved the impact I had on him.

"The one can only hope." he said his eyes focused on somewhere. I followed his gaze and saw Betty and Archie walking together. Of course, Betty forgave him. I was still mad at Archie but if she forgave him, why wouldn't I? "All right, Blossom, I've to talk to Archie. See you at Pop's tonight." I nodded and he left.

I was walking to class when Veronica Lodge approached me.

I was walking to class when Veronica Lodge approached me

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"Hey, I'm Veronica Lodge. I know you're friends with Betty, did you see her?" she asked. I stared at her. "So... Are you gonna tell me?"

"Look, Veronica Lodge, you probably know about my condition. The memory loss and etc...
But, I do remember Betty is my best friend and she likes Archie and I know you knew about it." I said. "You may think what a girl with incomplete memory do to me?"

"Well, you'll find out. Because I may have forgotten many things but I remember that I'm a Blossom. And if you ever hurt my friends again, I won't be shy to burn you." I said before walking away.

She stood there awkwardly and maybe a little bit afraid. I saw Jughead looking at me and smiling. He mouthed "Good job, Blossom." and laughed, so did I.





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