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I looked around as I walked out of the principal's office. Jughead thought I was guilty, so did the whole school. It wasn't wrong. Cheryl and I were guilty. Cheryl, I and our parents slowly walked down the hallway, trying to reach the door. I looked back to see Jughead looking at me, his face blank, showing no emotion. He shook his head and walked back, disappearing in the crowd of curious teenagers. My mother pulled me as she told me to walk faster.

And like that, we walked out of Riverdale High, leaving students with millions of questions in their minds. Making my friends reconsider their friendship with me.

Breaking Jug's trust.


I looked at my phone to see a text from Jughead.

What are you guilty of?
Seen 16:43

I read the text but couldn't reply because my mother pulled the phone from my hands. They continued screaming as Cheryl and I sat there, listening to them. I reached to her hand and locked my fingers to hers.


I sneaked out of the house at midnight to go to Pop's. I knew I would find him there, alone. I wanted to talk to him, only him, no one around to disturb us.

"Hey Pop." I said smiling at Pop Tate. "Can I get a burger-"

"And a vanilla milkshake coming right up." he said smirking. I laughed. I saw Jughead, working on his novel as always. He was probably writing about the drama went on at school today.

It could've been less dramatic but hey, we are Blossoms. Everything about us must be the number one topic. Even though I didn't like attention as much as Cheryl, I still loved a little bit recognition.

"Hey." I told him. He didn't look up and continued writing. He was ignoring me. "Talk to me."


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"Fine. You want me to talk to you, okay, I'll." he said. "I have questions. Promise you'll answer them honestly, even though it'll mean nothing. I can't trust you anymore."

"If you don't want to trust me, then don't. But let me explain." I said and he nodded. He was hungry for some answers.

"If you killed Jason, why did you tell you didn't remember him? Why did you cried right here and told me finally you remembered him? If you didn't kill him, why did Cheryl said you were both guilty?" he asked without breathing.

"I didn't kill Jason." I said. He sighed with relief. "At least not exactly."

He looked at me, waiting for more answers.

"He died because of me and Cheryl." I said as I tried to not burst into tears. "Jason wanted to leave Riverdale and never come back. He asked for my and Cheryl's help to stage a tragic accident, so that our mom and dad wouldn't come after him."

"Our story would be, we went for an early morning boat ride, and the boat tipped, and capsized, and Jason drowned and she didn't knew where I was." I said. "In fact, we made it to the other side dry as bones."

"Cheryl said goodbye to him on the Greendale side of Sweetwater River. And went to play her part." I continued. "Jason and I walked through the forest, I was going to help him to go where he needed to go and then I was going to come back. Act like I didn't remember anything after the boat ride."

Jughead looked at me, his face was unreadable, still showing no emotion. "So you faked your memory loss?" he said his voice cracking. "So you remembered me but lied."

"No." I said. "The plan didn't work out the way we planned it. Jason was not going to die, I was going to come back after a few days, not a few weeks. They were not going to find me lying unconsciously next to my brother's body." I felt tears streaming down my face as I continued talking.

" I felt tears streaming down my face as I continued talking

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"We were walking when I asked if he was okay. He nodded and thanked me for coming with him. I wanted him to promise me that he would call me and Cheryl to let us know he was okay. But before I could finish my sentence we heard a gunshot and that's the last thing I remember before waking up in a hospital room."

"I don't know what happened to us during the time gap, but the doctors say that it is actually a good thing that I don't remember it." I said and stopped talking as Pop came with my orders. I pushed the burger to Jughead.

"But there is one thing I know for sure, if we didn't help Jason, he might be still alive." I continued. "That's why we are guilty."

"Wow." he said. "You remembered I love burgers." I laughed, even when I was crying, he was still able to make me laugh.

"Seriously, Jug?" I asked. "After a tragic story like this all you can think about is that I remembered you like burgers?"

"Well, no." he said. "I didn't want you to cry. And in situations like this, I don't know what to do, so..."

"Thank you." I said blushing. "And I'm sorry I couldn't reply to you. Our parents were upset with us."

"I figured. Don't worry." he said as he took a bite from his burger."Betty and Archie-"

"Yeah, yeah, I know. They are wondering what happened." I sighed. "I'll explain to them. For others, I believe Cheryl will make explanations for me. I don't want to explain myself to a bunch of people I don't know and I don't care about."

"You are a weird human being, Blossom." he said smirking.

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