• fourteen •

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"What the hell was that?" Jug asked as we waited for Alice Cooper's speech.

"What?" I asked him.

"A couple of days before, I was going to ask yo but I didn't force you to, you know, explain yourself to me, when we were looking for Polly. Your dad, did he hurt you?" he asked.

"No, I grabbed my arm and his grip was little bit... How can I say? Strong?" I said. "He's my dad, Vanilla, he would never hurt me."

He nodded and looked away. I followed his gaze to see the Coopers step out of the church in front of the cameras.

"There's been a swirl of rumors today about our daughter, Polly. And were standing here to tell you that theyre all false. Yes, Polly was seeking treatment in a private care facility, and she was under strict observation even at the time of Jason Blossoms death. When she found out about the murder, she was beside herself with grief." Alice said, she paused for a second.

"You see, my daughter, Polly, is pregnant with Jason Blossoms baby."

The crowd around us was muttering. "Polly wouldn't hurt a fly, let alone the father of her unborn child. Polly, darling, if you're watching this, please come home." Alice said.

"So what going on with you?" I asked Jug as we walked away from the crowd.

"My dad, he is trying to work with Mrs. Andrews." he said. I knew FP Jones, I knew he was a Southside Serpent, he was a nice guy but I couldn't help but hate him. Jug's family was apart because of him, Jug was staying in school because of him. But it didn't matter.

"I hope it all works out well." I said as I smiled. He held my hand and we slowly walked down the streets of Riverdale to go to Pop's.


"I don't know, don't take it personal, Rose but the Blossom scare me." Betty said. "What if your parents do something to her?"

"Betty, I know my parents are not the most "perfect" parents in the world but they would never hurt someone." I said. I understood Betty was worried but Cheryl and I were sincere when we offered Polly to stay with us. I was by my locker when I turned to see Jug being lead through the halls by Sheriff Keller and Principal Weatherbee.

"Call my dad," He said as he passes us. I start to move towards him and Archie grabs my arm.

"Sheriff Keller, what is going on?" I said as I tried to break free from Archie's grip. Sheriff Keller looked at me and continued walking without saying a word.

"Yeah, yeah we will," Archie says.

"Of course," Betty says. I watched as he is lead out of my sight.

I ran my hands through my hair. "This is stupid. I'm going to the station." I said and started running before my friends could say a word.

What if they don't believe him?" I asked Archie. "He wouldn't do it, Arch, he would never hurt me or my brother."

"I know." he says. "Calm down, everything will be okay."

"Rose. He wants you in there," Sheriff Keller said. "Follow me." I stood up and followed him through the hallways of the police station.

"Sheriff Keller, he is my boyfriend. He would never do something like this to me or my brother." I told Sheriff Keller as he stopped on front of a small room. He ignored me, again. I mean, I was a victim, he needed to listen to me but apparently he wasn't trusting the girl with memory loss.

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