• twenty-two •

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FP pulled into the school and parked in the bus lane off the school.

"Juggie can you hand me the umbrella?" I asked him and he gave me the umbrella. I climbed out and opened it for him and I.

"Betty and Jug climbed out and he joined me."You be a gentleman tonight, okay?" FP said to Jughead.

"He almost always is, FP." I said.

"Oh, I see Trev," Betty said. "I'll see you guys inside."

"Okay Betty." I said.

"Actually, Blossom, would you mind giving us just a minute?" Jug asked.

"No, of course. Take your time." I said to them. Jug climbed back into the truck and I waved to FP.

"Thank you," he said. I nodded and turned to the stairs. Heading to the top of them to wait. I looked around for Archie or Veronica. But it was just faces of the other assholes in this school. Like any other time. After a couple minutes Juggie climbed out from the truck and runs up to me.

"Sorry to keep you waiting." he said. "You ready to go inside?"

"Lead the way, Vanilla." I said as he took my hand. We walked into the school and he sighed as we make it to the gym.

"After the dance can we talk?" he asked.

"Sure." I told him. "What about?"

"My dad," he said.

"Everything okay?" I asked him.

"Great, actually." he said. "I just want to figure out something together."

"Alright, Juggie." I said. "Sorry about the dinner. I didn't think Mrs. Cooper would do that."

"It's fine." he said. "It was better than meeting your parents."

"Yeah, sorry about that too. They're weird. Don't mind them." I said and he smiled. "Should we go and talk in the corner?" I asked him. "I don't want Cheryl popping up and ruining our night."

"Actually there is Archie and Veronica." he said. "Let's go over there."

"Alright." I said. We walked through the crowd to Archie and V

"Where were you guys?" Betty asked harshly.

"We stopped," V said.

"We stopped at Pop's," Archie finished.

"And what were you just talking to my mom about?" Betty asked.

"Betty" V said.

"Guys, can we table this? We gotta get ready," Archie said. "Come on."

"Friends, students, and alumni. I hope you brought your dancing shoes. Please join me in welcoming to the stage Riverdale High's very own Archie Andrews and Veronica Lodge." Mayor Mccoy said. Jug and I cheered loudly along with the rest of the crowd as Betty stayed silent as Archie and Veronica performed their song. Veronica and Archie finished their song.

"Betty, what's up?" I asked as she sighed.

"Archie and V did something," she said. "They helped my mom do something."

"Shit." I hissed and I walked back to Jug and planted a kiss on his cheek. "I'll be back."

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Bathroom. I'll be back soon, okay?" I said and he nodded. Betty and I walked out into the hallway where Veronica and Archie were.

"Before you get mad, let me explain," V said as we walked towards them.

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