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It was 11 pm when I arrived at Pop's. I looked around but I couldn't see Jughead. Archie, Veronica and Betty were sitting in a booth.

"He is not here, kid." said Pop's realizing I was looking for Jug. I nodded and went to ask if any of our friends knew where Jughead was.

"Hey." I said. "Betty and Veronica, I know you are not talking to me as kind of a punishment of what Jason did. And I don't care, really. You'll talk to me again when you feel like talking to me. No big deal. Bu-"

"We are sorry, Rose." said Betty. "We were so mad at Jason and the others we decided to punish just because you are related with Jason. It was stupid."

"Hey, I know. I understand. It doesn't matter." I said smiling. It felt good to talk to Betty again. I wanted to sit down and talk to them but first I had to do something first. "Did you see Jug? I really need to talk to him. Please tell me you know where he is." I said quickly. I was so exited that I wanted to go and kiss him right away.

"Whoa, slow down." said Archie. "What happened?"

"I'll tell you later. I just need to find him." I said. "Do you know where he is?"

They shook their heads. Damn.

"Let us help you. Did you text him?" Archie asked.

"Yeah, he didn't relpy." I answered.

"We can look around town." said Veronica. I nodded. The four of us left Pop's to look for the boy who always was at Pop's.

After an hour of trying to find Jughead, we gave up. He was nowhere to be found. The others went home and I went to Pop's, hoping to see Jughead. I ordered a vanilla milkshake and sat down in one of the booths.


"Rose?" I slowly open my eyes to see Jug looking at me.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"3 am." he said. "I saw your messages and Pop told me you wanted to talk to me."

I nodded in agreement. I was just going to say him that I remembered him but now that I have waited 4 hours, I could wait a little more.

"I want to take you somewhere." I said. He looked at me, unsure of what to say. "But first I need to cover your eyes."

"Are you gonna kill me, Blossom?" he said and I laughed.

"Maybe. Who knows? I'm sure you know how I drive." I said. He laughed as I covered his eyes with the cloth I took from Pop.

After 30 minutes of driving we were there. The place we told each other that we loved each other. I helped Jug to get out of the car and hold his hand until we reach the grass area.

I slowly unfolded the cloth, I couldn't stop smiling. He looked at me and turned around to see where we are. He quickly figured out and looked at me.

"Hi, Vanilla." I said with the biggest smile on my face.

"You... Do you remember?" he asked. I nodded.

He just stood there for a second, not sure what to do. Then he pulled me towards him, placing his hands on my waist and pressing his lips against mine.

I kissed Jughead Jones for the first time in months.


"Rose, we're gonna be late for school." said Cheryl as she opened the door. Jughead was sitting on my bed while I was fixing my hair. "What-You-huh?" said Cheryl. "So you remember."

"Bad news for you Cheryl." Jug said. "I'm back." I laughed as Cheryl rolled her eyes.

"Believe it or not Jones, I want my sister happy." she said. "And if that means getting along with you, so be it." Cheryl was actually always nice against Jug for the time being we dated. Hard to believe, yes, but Cheryl was capable of loving. At least she loved me and Jason.

"Okay, I'm ready." I said walking towards Cheryl.

"Um, Rose, lipstick." she said. I looked at the mirror and saw that I didn't have my red lipstick on. I quickly grabbed my lipstick and walked through the door.

"I can do it at school." I told Cheryl. She rolled her eyes and Jug laughed.

"I'm going home, I'll come to school after I finish." he said. I nodded. So he left, Cheryl and I got in the red car.

The two of us rode to school.

It was just like the old times, just one person missing.

Jason Blossom.


Betty was trying to prove Miss Grundy was hiding something. Her crush on Archie became obsessive. I was worried about her but whenever I tried to talk to her about it, she just ignored me. So I stopped trying to knock some sense into her.

I walked out off the Blue & Gold office after saying goodbye to Ronnie ad Betty. I saw Jughead on the hallway, passing out some fliers.

"Hey, Vanilla." I said as I approached him. "Can I have a lap dance?" I asked smirking.

"Whoa, Blossom. You're the one gave me this name, you have no right to make fun of it." he said smiling.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"They are closing the Drive-In. I'm handing out some fliers for the last show." he said as he smile disappeared. The Drive-In was important to him, when his family was all together and happy, they used to go there all the time.

It was important to me because we shared our first kiss there, we did it for the first time there in Jug's booth. And most importantly, it meant something to Jug, so it meant something to me.

Before I could say something to him the bell rang and we had to leave for classes.

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