• twenty-one •

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"Guys dinner!" Alice yelled from downstairs. I was at Betty's, getting ready for Homecoming. Cheryl was helping Polly to get ready and Betty was helping me.

(Think this as her look)

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(Think this as her look)

We headed down the stairs. I noticed Juggie first. His iconic beanie still on his head. I walked towards him and he smiled. "You look beautiful." he said. "I pushed his curls out of his face and smiled.

"Thanks." I said. "And you look absolutely stunning."

"I look the same as always." he replied.

"I just like the look of you in a tux," I said to him.

"Thanks, Blossom." Jug said.

"Hey FP," I said

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"Hey FP," I said. "It's nice to see you here."

"You too, Kid," he said and he leaned towards me. "You are not using them anymore, right?" he whispered.

I nodded. "Let's go sit down." I said. Jug took my hand and we walked into the dining room. Alice had added a chair to the table. We all got our food and started to eat.

"Super-delicious, Mrs. C." Jug said.

"Sure is, Alice. Been a long time since I ate something that didn't come in a combo meal or a snack pack." FP said.

"So, FP," Alice said.

" -Mmm," FP said.

"Betty tells me that you're working for Fred Andrews now. How do you balance that with all of your other responsibilities?" Alice asked.

"You mean like being a father?" he asked.

"-And being a part of the Southside community." she said.

"-Mom," Betty hissed.

"You can say 'Southside Serpent,' Alice. I'm not ashamed. And it's not just me, there's a bunch of us working on Fred's site," FP said.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, I mean, I'm just curious, how did you make your living before that?" Alice said.

"I scraped by. Odd jobs," FP said.

"I know that you worked for the drive-in, Jughead before it was closed. Did you find work there, too, FP?" she asked.

"-Dad." Jug said."-Well, hung out a bit. What can I say? I'm a movie buff." FP said. I awkwardly sat and listened as Alice laughed.

"So, tell me, were you upset when Hiram Lodge bought the drive-in land?" Alice asked.

"Stuff happens," he replied.

"Let me rephrase that question. Were you surprised?"

"And that's my limit, thanks, Mrs. Cooper but Jug and I should leave." I quickly said.

"No, stay," Alice said as the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it," Betty said jumping up. I looked at Jug and smiled faintly.

"Hi." Betty says.

"Hey:" another voice says.

"Right this way," Betty said, leading her father into the room.

"I thought you said she wanted me to be here," he said.

"She does," Betty said as Jug and FP stood up, "I mean, it is Homecoming after all. And our families should be coming together. Right, Mom?"

He took a seat and I sighed. I turned to Betty. "Betty, I don't like this, not at all." I whispered.

"Gossiping?" asked Alice.

"No, figuring out a escape plan." I said, earning a few laughs.

"I'm hoping maybe you have some vacancies down at Sunnyside. You see, I've been sleeping in my office down at the paper, and it's just getting a little chilly at night." Mr. Cooper said.

"I bet your office beats the trailer park," FP said. Mr. Cooper laughed.

"I wouldn't be so sure. You see, Alice here, she's been redecorating the Register. The other day, she threw a brick through the window." he said.

"Is that so?" FP asked.

"Keep talking, Hal and the next brick I throw may not be at a window." she said.

"You remember our Homecoming, Alice? Hal? Back in the day? Castles in the Clouds? Your mom ever tell you about that night?" FP asked Betty."

"Just that she and my dad were king and queen," Betty said proudly.

"Yeah, they were. Of hell," FP said. I couldn't help but smile, at least I didn't laugh.

"-Dad, please," Jug said.

"No, this is a fun story, I promise. Fred and me, we were all set to play at the dance. I was backstage, dropping off our gear when I heard these voices yelling," he said. "It was your mom and dad. They were fighting about About I don't know what. But it sounded like life or death."

"Shut up, FP." Mrs. Cooper hissed.

"Happy to oblige if you are. I don't care what you think of me, Alice, but don't jerk me around. Not in front of my son." FP said.

"Go FP!" I said but luckily no one heard.

"This was such a nice idea, Mom, but I think it's time that we get to the dance. So, is it okay if we skip the peach pie?" Betty asked and we got up.

"Thanks so much, Mrs. Cooper," I said to her while taking Jugs hand. really?

"You kids want a ride?" FP asked. Cheryl had our car so, I guess I needed a ride.

"Yes please," Betty said as we all walked outside. We got into FP's truck and we headed for the school.

"I didn't see your parents, Rose." FP said as he drove down the streets of Riverdale.

"Think yourself as lucky." I sighed. My parents were going crazy, trying to pick up a fight everywhere they go. This night was awkward enough, I didn't even want to think how it could have went if my parents were there too.

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