• eighteen •

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"Tomorrow is Jug's birthday." I said. "I want to do something special but I don't know what." I was in my car, driving to school. Cheryl was in the next seat, quietly singing along Somebody Else by The 1975 while it was playing on the radio.

"He has you. That's special enough." she said, her eyes focused on the road. I laughed.

"No, seriously, what can I do?" I asked.

"I wasn't joking." she said as I parked our red car in front of Riverdale High. "See you in Biology." she said as she got out of the car and walked away. I was quietly singing Numb by Linkin Park as I grabbed my bag and walked into school.

"Rose." someone said, I turned to see Josie. "What's up, girl? I feel like we haven't talked in ages."

"Hey, Josie." I said as I smiled. "I'm good, classic life of a teenager, you know. What's up with you? How are things with the Pussycats?" I asked as I opened my locker. I threw some of my books inside and grabbed the ones I needed.

"It's good. Valerie is back again." she said. Was she ever out? Oh, yeah. While she was dating Archie, I guess. I didn't know so much about Archie's relationships and I didn't feel the need to. "Anyways, I gotta go but let's catch up later." she continued. I nodded as she turned around and walked away.

I bit my lip because of the sudden pain I felt in my waist. Yes, still it hurt. It was okay a few weeks ago but then in the car accident, it got cut. So, yes, I was still injured. The scars on my arms were gone at least.

The bell rang and the students of Riverdale High quickly rushed to their classes. The hallway was empty, only person standing there was me. My back against to wall, my hand on my waist, trying to ignore the pain.

I sat on the cold ground as I started to search my bag. After minutes of researching I found what I needed. I opened the box, took one pill and threw it into my mouth. I looked around to be sure no one saw me. I got up and quickly walked down the hall to go to my class.


"Hi." I said I sat down in the lunch table. "Did you see Jug?"

"He went home for the rest of the day." said Archie and I nodded.

"So what are you talking about?" I asked looking at Betty and Veronica.

"We were thinking of throwing a party for Juggie." said Betty. I looked at Archie and he mouthed "sorry".

"No, Betty." I said. "Jug doesn't like to celebrate his birthdays."

"Everybody says that nobody means it." said Kevin.

"Okay. Ignoring the negativity. Betty, you know me, - any excuse to wear a cute party dress," V said.

"No this is not a good idea," I said.

"Yeah, V." Betty said ignoring me.

"Okay, so I'm thinking a quaint gathering, inner-circle only," V said.

"Oh, my God, don't turn around," Kev says. We all turned to see Chuck. "Holy Chuck, I think his lats got bigger. Not that I care because he's evil incarnate."

"What's Chuck Clayton doing back?" Archie asked.

"He got suspended, not expelled," V said as Betty got up,

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