It's ok

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Prompt 4 - Moment for #SePTX2017 

"God damnit, Mitchy, everyone's going through the same shit, stop being such a fucking burde-"

"Scott!" Kirstie's shocked voice stopped the resentful words flowing from his mouth. When the haze of anger and stress finally cleared, he realized his mistake. Scott felt horror and guilt surge through him when he finally looked at Mitch.

"Oh my god, baby I'm so-" He stumbled forward, reaching for Mitch only to stop when his lover to a small step back, his face pale and eyes wide. It was painful to see Mitch pull away from him.

Avi stepped forward and curled his arm protectively around Mitch but his lover didn't notice. Mitch just kept their eyes locked and Scott could see just how much those words had hurt.

Scott's heart raced as he struggled to find words, "I didn't mean it, I'm so sorry! You're never, never a burden! You're my treasure, I can't-" He felt his eyes sting, the combination of lingering anger, stress, and the sheer pain on his lover's face overwhelming him, "Please, I'm so-" The words stopped when Mitch took a few steps forward and cupped his cheek with cold, shaking fingers.

Scott felt tears burn in his eyes as Mitch leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead, "I love you." That sweet, precious voice whispered and Scott felt his heart break at the tremble in Mitch's voice. "It's ok, I didn't mean to add to your stress, babe. I'm sorry," When Scott opened his mouth to protest, Mitch just shook his head, "It's ok."

Scott felt cold and unsteady when Mitch pulled away and headed for the door. Even Kirstie wrapping her arm around him didn't comfort him, "Mitchy, please..."

Mitch offered him a wan smile over his shoulder but his voice was raw when he spoke, "It's ok, Scotty, I... I just need a moment." 

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