Done pretending

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Part 23 - Plastic for #SePTXCC2017  

She hated that plastic smile. The perfectly pretty stretch of lips with white teeth on full display. Mitch was beautiful so even his plastic smiles were pleasing to the eye, always drawing attention and making others smile. It wasn't easy to see past it to see the anxiety and discomfort behind it.

She hated it.

She wasn't the only one who noticed. Luke was sticking to Mitch's side like glue and Austin kept looking in his direction with a severe frown, ready to march over to Mitch and drag him away from this place.

But as protective as Austin was, he knew Mitch would've left already if they could. They couldn't. Mitch had to professional obligation to remain, to smile at the press cameras, to mingle with industry people, to party and show people he was happy.

She felt a surge of alarm when Mitch subtly raised his arm and rubbed his chest, turning his head away a little to grimace away from the cameras. Luke stepped forward to block the view but she knew they didn't have much time.

She hurried away from the party and found a quiet corner to call. It rang only twice before a familiar baritone greeted her, "Jordan?"

"Mitch needs you. Hurry."

There was a short pause, "On my way. Where is he?"

"By the bar, surrounded by a fucking ocean of people."

Scott cursed colorfully under his breath and Jordan moved to another spot so she could look at Mitch. He was starting to look a little pale and his smile looked even more plasticky now. Jordan was certain most of Mitch's die-hard fans would notice if they saw the pictures.

He needed to get out.

"Scott, hurry."

Her breath caught when Mitch swayed slightly and Austin tore himself away from his group, hastily walking towards his best friend. Luke pressed closer, turning his head slightly to kiss Mitch's forehead. "Oh god, Mitch."

"What?!" Scott asked, "Jordan, what?"

Jordan bit her lip harshly as some of the guests came forward to shake Mitch's hand and kiss his cheeks, invading his personal space without any care or concern. Luke was starting to look really concerned and Austin was already there, his expression stubborn and furious.

He was going to drag Mitch away, Jordan just knew it.

"Scott, everyone is crowding him. Austin is gonna take him away, I think."

"Shit. I knew this was too much for today! I fucking told Jonathan." Scott growled and Jordan felt a surge of relief when he came into view, making a beeline towards Mitch without letting anyone deter him.

Jordan was relieved that their plan to "be less Scomiche" didn't stop Scott from being there when Mitch needed it.

She held a breath as Luke pulled away and Scott took his place, his arm casually falling over Mitch's shoulder. Scott smiled brightly at the guests and cameras but Jordan was only looking at Mitch.

She felt a lump form in her throat as the plastic smile melted away. Mitch brought a hand up and wrapped his fingers around Scott's wrist, leaning into Scott's body.

He looked exhausted but when he looked up at Scott, his expression was so full of love and relief. All of this pretending and separation was taking its toll on Mitch.

She could see it in the slump of his shoulders and dip of his neck just how much Scott's presence affected him.

She had never seen someone so in love.

Just how did they plan to hide this? How could they mask the naked adoration they had for one another? She glanced at Austin just in time to see him glaring at Scott in exasperation. He had been against the plan from the beginning but Scott and Mitch hadn't listened.

Letting their profession dictate their relationship was their biggest mistake but unlike Austin, she hadn't said anything. Now perhaps they would just stop.

She sucked in a sharp breath when Scott turned his head a little and kissed Mitch's head, leveling a look of pure possessive heat at the people surrounding them.

"Yeah," She whispered to herself, her lips twitching into a fond smile.

Yeah, Scott was done pretending.

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