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Prompt 17 - Sister for #SePTXCC17

Mitch Grassi was a veritable angel on earth.

She had heard tales of it before she applied for her job. Mitch was the heart and soul of Fluide and the genius that introduced extraordinary gender neutral clothes into the industry. At first sight, he was very intimidating with his sharp angles, intelligent brown eyes, and stark beauty.

Lauren assumed it was his fame and money that made him likable. He was always the center of attention at every party or event. Thousands of people would post pictures and snaps of him on social media, all full of praise and affection. Lauren believed people were blinded by fame until the moment she met him.

There was something electric and powerful about him, something that drew all eyes and enchanted everyone. In person, he was the sweetest boy with the prettiest smile and crazy sense of humor. The team at Fluide adored him, business allies loved him, press salivated after him every time he stepped out of the house in his eccentric and edgy clothes.

Lauren got the appeal. She was half in love with him by the end of the first year on the job and wanted to protect him from the world.

Or from the boys he deigned to bring into his life. Because he brought many boys into his life and most of them weren't worth the ground he walked on.

He needed someone to cherish him, to connect with him on a deeper and more visceral level. He needed someone to shower him with praise, treat him like a princess but still call him out on his shit. He needed someone strong, successful in their own right, and just as beautiful as him.

Someone like Scott.

Yes, yes, matchmaking was tacky and intrusive as fuck but Lauren just couldn't get it out of her head. Every time she imagined her baby brother and Mitchy getting together, she felt giddy and happy.

When the opportunity came by, she couldn't resist.

"Please Mitch." She begged, "I'll do anything! People keep canceling on me and I don't know anyone but Scott and his bandmates. I'll be bored stiff and very nervous. I need someone with me and I can't ditch this! This means a lot to Scott and I want to be there to support him."

Mitch tried to maintain his stern expression but Lauren could see him giving in. "Please? Scott is gay too and he's friends with 90% of gay LA. You can bring home some pretty boy toy."

There was that stunning little smile. Lauren was certain it would knock her baby brother off his feet.

She couldn't wait.


She loved being right.

Mitch, as per usual, looked stunning when they stepped into the party venue. He wore a perfectly tailored Gucci suit paired with a silky white Yamamoto shirt with a deep open neck. Lauren was aware of just how many eyes turned to him but she was only focused on finding her baby brother and introduce him to his future soulmate.

It didn't take her long to find Scott in the crowd and she immediately walked in his direction, "Come, let's say hello my brother first and get that out of the way."

Mitch looked at her in amusement, "Is that such a chore?" He smirked when she rolled her eyes at him.

"Scotty!" Her brother turned to her as soon as he heard her voice, his face lighting up at the sight of her. She felt a surge of affection as Scott wrapped his arms around her and practically lifted her off the ground.

"You came! Awesome!!" He said loudly, "You look fabulous, sis!"

"Thanks," She kissed his cheek and pulled away, "Come meet my boss and friend. I begged and bribed him with your pretty gay friends until he agreed. You better have some pretty gays here." There now Scotty knew Mitch was a raging twink so he won't waste time trying to figure that out.

Scott smirked at her, "What? I'm not pretty enough?" He teased as he turned his head to look for her companion.

Lauren knew the moment Scott spotted Mitch. He stilled and his expression shifted ever so slightly even as he smiled politely in greeting.

She recognized that focused and intent look in his eyes.

He was going to hunt.

"Scott meet Mitch Grassi, my boss. Mitchy, Scott Hoying, my brother."

"Hey," Scott grinned, "Thanks for putting up with my sister and helping her. I know she's a handful-" He dodged her slap and slyly stepped closer to Mitch, "Welcome! I hope you have a great time."

Mitch looked up at Scott and smiled that pretty dimpled smile. Lauren swore Scotty swooned a little, not that she blamed him.

She bit back a triumphant smirk as Mitchy's eyes lit up with interest and his posture changed.

They were gonna be so married by this time next year.


She loved being right. 

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