From the Clouds

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 Prompt 18 - Clouds for #SePTXCC17 

Sorry for the delay, I just couldn't find the time or energy to write.  

"Your fascination with him hasn't abated, I see."

Mitch froze and turned to look at his father with wide eyes. He had always been so careful, only taking the time to watch when he had no obligations to fulfill and when no one was paying attention to him.

He should've known he couldn't hide anything from his father for long. "Father, I-"

"How amusing," Mitch swallowed his father settled down by him, watching the same person he was, "The Prince of the Skies, the bringer of winds, rain, storm, and thunder, enchanted by a simple human."

Mitch flinched, wondering if he'd be punished. But his father didn't sound angry, only amused.

"I would ask why you're so enthralled by him, but I doubt you have an answer for me. My baffled little prince," He closed his eyes when his father's hand settled gently on his head, the fingers combing through his hair in a gesture of comfort, "I always assumed your sisters might fall under the thrall of humans. They roam farther and speak with them oftener than you do. I stand corrected," He chuckled and Mitch ducked his head with a blush, "But you have not asked me."

Mitch knew exactly what his father meant and licked his lips, "I dare not." He turned his attention back to the spark, "And my place is here."

"Indeed." His father agreed, "But human lives are so ephemeral, short and sweet. You could live an entire human lifetime with this spark and it would be a blink of an eye for me." Mitch closed his eyes, relief warring with fear in his heart. "But you will suffer. You will sacrifice all your natural advantages and be born as any human is; fragile and vulnerable."

Mitch looked up at his father, his heart racing in anticipation. "You will find your spark, but he might not return your affections." His father reached out and brushed away some of the clouds to see clearly, "Even if he does, he is incapable of matching the strength of your love. The human heart is fickle and their affection is thin. I have made the Nephelae to be generous and giving, it's in your nature to love deeply and love forever."

Mitch took a deep breath and looked down that the spark that had held his heart for centuries. Could he leave his peaceful home in the clouds and walk the earth just for a short human lifetime with his spark?

Yes, he could. But was it worth it?


"Cloud watching again?"

Mitch glanced at Scott and smiled, "You know I love it."

Scott sat down before promptly turning around laying his head on Mitch's lap, "Do you? You always look sad when you're watching them." Scott laced their fingers together, "Like you want to fly away and disappear amongst the clouds."

Mitch swallowed and looked up at the sky again, wondering if his father was looking down at him. "Sometimes I do." He confessed softly, using his other hand to comb his fingers through Scott's hair, "When things get a little overwhelming..." Earth was chaotic and noisy. Sometimes he felt trapped like his wings had been clipped and he was in a prison. He longed to fly through the clouds again, to breathe in the clean air, to bask in the bare sun, to be in the presence of his family again.

"Hey... come back to me." Scott sounded concerned so Mitch pushed his melancholy away with a smile and looked down at his spark, "I don't like that."

Mitch leaned forward and pressed his lips to Scott's forehead, "I can't help it, babe." He admitted truthfully, "But it's ok, I have you and that's enough."

Scott frowned, a flash of guilt cross his features, "I... you came here because I was in a bad mood, didn't you?"

"I came here because you needed space." Mitch corrected, "I can deal with your bad moods just fine, Scotty."

Scott signed and turned his face to bury his face in Mitch's stomach, "You know me so well. Even better than I know myself sometimes."

Mitch smiled, "That's because I've watched you for ages." Scott snorted, muttering a faint 'creep' under his breath. "And I've loved you for ages." He said softly, leaning down to brush light kisses against Scott's cheek and temple.

Scott scoffed, "You only agreed to date me 2 years ago and marry me 3 months ago, I would hardly call that ages." Mitch laughed when Scott pouted at him, "I pinned after you for ages."

"I'm sorry," Mitch grinned, letting Scott draw him into a kiss, "I'll make up for it, I swear."

"You better."

Yes. And it was perfect. 

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