The sound of your voice

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Part 25 - Sound for #SePTXCC17

AN: Extra long because I couldn't write yesterday, rl whooped my ass. This might be a little sloppy and disjointed. A small part of this is mature or rated R. 

Mitch registered the sound of his voice first. It was soft and shy, but there was a rumble of power underneath it. No one at the cafe paid much attention to him but Mitch was immediately arrested by his tone and inflection.

It was the kind of voice that could calm a person down or excite them, could arouse them or enchant them. It was the kind of voice that lingered in the mind for days. Mitch wanted to keep listening to it, to just let it sink it.

And then he started to sing.


His name was Scott Hoying and he sang at the cafe every Friday and Saturday. His pretty voice resonated throughout the hole-in-wall place, floating over the chatter and clear as day.

Mitch paid attention to every note and every riff; his body responding to the intricate sounds and layers of Scott's voice. Every time Scott hit a powerful note, Mitch felt goosebumps form on his skin and a delicate shiver race through his spine.

It became a habit; work on his book throughout the day, handle the promo, and then find his way the little cafe. No one bothered him there and the owners knew he liked to be alone in his corner so Mitch could enjoy Scott's voice undisturbed.

It was a little slice of heaven with his own personal singing angel.


"I'm not gonna do justice to Queen Bey, but this happens to be my favorite. It's called Halo"

"Remember those walls I built?

Well, baby, they're tumbling down,

And they didn't even put up a fight

they didn't even make a sound."

Mitch sucked in a breath,

"I found a way to let you win,

But I never really had a doubt,

Standing in the light of your halo

I got my angel now."

He fell in love.


One day, Scott stopped coming.

Mitch knew people had to move on, he knew Scott had too much talent and passion to be stuck in this little slice of heaven.

But he had hoped, God, he had hoped nothing would change. He had hoped he could keep Scott with him forever, that he could have this distraction away from the noise of the world forever.

But he had always known it was a futile hope.


Scott's absence was a distant but potent pain.

Mitch felt silly for missing someone he had never spoken to, someone he didn't know enough to love. He felt ridiculous that all it took was pretty singing, shy and often goofy humor, and a little rumble of a laugh for him to fall in love with a total stranger.

It was silly. But he couldn't deny his heart raced and his breath caught when the car radio played that voice. He asked his driver to turn the volume up and felt that sound fill his heart and soul again.

He was still in love.



Mitch stilled, feeling his heart thunder in his chest at the familiar voice. This wasn't coming through the speakers or even from behind the mic.

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