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Part 30 - Chain for #SePTXCC17

Scott didn't like breaking hearts. He didn't like being the one to end relationships and asking others to move on. Unfortunately, he found himself in that position often. He went into relationships with the understanding that they were temporary, that they'd never move beyond casual intimacy, friendship, support, and sex. He made it clear to people he was involved with that he wasn't looking for more. He learned his lesson with Alex.

Boys tried anyway. They got too emotionally invested and became possessive of his time. They complained when he went to parties without them, when he didn't answer their phone calls, or if he didn't immediately visit them after a tour or trip.

Scott didn't blame them. He couldn't force them to follow his rules and expect them to stay but being the bad guy every time was disheartening. He wanted to fully commit to a relationship, to give his lover what he wants, but he knew himself well.

He was still waiting.

"Are you even listening right now?" Scott looked up his latest boyfriend. Trevor seemed like he was struggling to control his anger. "I asked you to come with me for an important family event." He said slowly, "Because I didn't have a plus-one and I couldn't go alone. I asked you after I asked everyone else and they weren't available, not because I wanted to force you to meet my family."

"I know-"

"But you said no and that you had other commitments. And I get that. I do." Trevor locked his jaw, visibly trying to keep his tone civil. "I spent the entire ceremony defending you, making excuses, and saying you're busy. I mean, we've been dating for nearly a year now, but ok." He shrugged forcefully, "But your other commitments turned out to be a friend's party and a quote 'a quiet evening at home with my everything'"

"Mitch." Scott immediately looked up at the sarcastic, derisive tone, his eyes icy and his entire stance protective. "You live with Mitch, why was spending a 'quiet evening with him' more important than my request for company?"

"We had other plans." Scott said softly but firmly, "But Mitch didn't want to deal with crowds that night and I didn't want to leave him alone at home so we cancelled. It's not that deep, Trevor."

"Bullshit." Trevor snapped, "It's always deep with Mitch. If I asked you to choose between me and Mitch right now, you'll choose Mitch. Without hesitation or question. Isn't that right?"

Scott shrugged, "Yes." He admitted frankly and unapologetically. "Mitch isn't up for discussion and you know it."

"Yeah, I get that. I get you love him and have this amazing bond with him. But what I don't get is why you can't make some time for me when you're with him all the time. You live with him, you work with him, you tour with him! Is that too much to ask for just a day or two of your time away from him?"

Scott sighed and combed his fingers through his hair, "Trev, I'm not gonna apologize for spending time with Mitch. I don't even know why you're bringing him into this discussion. I didn't come with you, that's my decision. We had other plans and those plans were cancelled. I decided to spend time with my best friend instead of going out for drinks, what's so wrong about that?" He asked, honestly baffled.

"What's wrong is that you're still in love him and instead of trying things with him, you get involved with others and get their hopes up." Trevor sighed in defeat, "Scott, why can't you just be honest?"

Scott locked his jaw to bite back denials that wanted to spill from his lips. Trevor wanted honesty, after all. "I was very clear about what I was willing to give to this relationship from the beginning. When was I dishonest with you?"

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