Sharp and soft

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Part 26 - Soft for #SePTXCC17

AN - Mature so don't read it at work:P

It was difficult to define Mitch, even for someone as close to him as Scott was. He loved to be vague, to take risks and make bold choices. Sometimes he went out of his way to unsettle, to upset established norms, to challenge what was considered right and beautiful.

Was it really a surprise that Scott couldn't stay away?

Mitch was a study of contrasts and he walked that line well. Sometimes, everything about him was sharp. His smile was sharp, his eyes were piercing, his words were on the right side of sarcastic and funny. Even the angles and lines of his body were sharp; arched brows, high cheekbones, sharp jawline, stark collarbones, long arms and legs.

Scott adored it when Mitch was sharp because he was at his most intimidating then. It was thrilling to watch his lover just stare at someone and reduce them to a nervous mess. It was fun to watch thirsty boys sweat and struggle to approach him, only to be dismissed with nary a glance.

For all his talk about being too nervous to talk to boys, Mitch certainly attracted a lot of attention when he was out and about.

As much as he liked a sharp Mitch, he loved soft Mitch. His lover was less sharp in the company of his friends. He had the best smiles, the gentlest and tightest hugs, and melodic voice when he was with people he liked.

But even then, there was some sharpness to him. He didn't let his guard down and soften completely.

Mitch was only soft when Scott worked to get him there. He was soft when Scott stripped him out of his clothes, took away all the control, and gently brought down every single wall he erected.

He was getting there now.

Scott leaned over Mitch with a smile, running his fingertips over bare skin as he studied his lover. The shoulders were loose and round, the neck was trustingly bared, the lips parted and relaxed, and the eyes were hooded.

But he was alert. He was studying Scott's every move, bracing his body for every touch.

That won't do.

"The more you fight it, the longer this will be, baby," Scott murmured, brushing his lips against Mitch's hip, "We have time. I can drag it out for as long as I want." He glanced up slyly and wrapped his fingers around Mitch's cock, "You know I will."

Those pretty brown eyes flickered towards him and Scott smirked, recognizing the challenge in them, "Very well then." Scott loved working on Mitch so he did just that.

He knew Mitch's body well. He brushed light, feathery kisses along Mitch's sides so his lover was torn between ticklishness and arousal. He sank his teeth into the flesh of his abs and left vivid bite marks on Mitch's chest.

Mitch's nipples were so much fun to play with. Sucking on them drew the prettiest, dirtiest little moans from his lover. Scott knew Mitch would feel it for at least a day. He knew Mitch constantly touch his nipples, that he would remember the feel of Scott's teeth and tongue for hours.

He edged Mitch mercilessly, stroking his cock until he felt the muscles bunch up under his lips before removing his touch completely.

Mitch was so stunning when he was on the edge, his back arched, his neck straining and pulse throbbing.

But he wasn't there yet.

With deliberate intent, Scott slid down Mitch's body and spread his legs wide. He could feel Mitch's thigh muscles strain to accommodate the width of Scott's shoulders. It made him smile briefly before he wrapped his lips around Mitch's cock.

Mitch's cry was music to his ears.

He lingered there, sucking Mitch's cock, slipping his lubed fingers into Mitch's ass, teasing and tormenting. He kept orgasm out of Mitch's reach for what seemed like hours. He gripped the base of his cock, bit the flesh of his thigh, sank his nails into Mitch's ass every time his lover got a little too close.

"Scott- please..."

Scott looked up and sucked a sharp breath at the expression on Mitch's face.

He fucking loved it when Mitch broke enough to cry.

Scott tore himself away from Mitch's cock and rose over his lover, mesmerized by the sight of long damp lashes clumped together and the tear stains by Mitch's eyes. With a low growl, he pulled his lover's hips up and pressed close, the head of his cock brushing against Mitch's hole.

When Mitch looked up, his expression was soft and vulnerable. His eyes were wide and red, his lips trembling, his were cheeks flushed, and his body was loose.

"Good boy," He whispered and thrust forward, catching Mitch's gasp with a kiss.

Mitch was softest after Scott ruined him.

And Scott loved to ruin him.

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