deep breath in.
deep breath out.
get all your rage out.
be more calm.deep breath in.
deep breath out.
life is hard.
that's not gonna change.deep breath in.
deep breath out.
just keep typing.
don't think.deep breath in.
deep breath out.
enjoy regretting your miserable life.
forever and ever.deep breath in.
deep breath out.
just stop thinking.
and the pain'll be numb.deep breath in.
deep breath out.
five more years.
then you can escape.deep breath in.
deep breath out.
stop getting worked up.
just calm yourself down.deep breath in.
deep breath out.
listen to yourself.
don't start thinking.deep breath in.
deep breath out.
think of something else.
not the what it's or the should'ves.deep breath in.
deep breath out.
can't get calm.
time to face them again.
Randompoetic rants, my thoughts, tags, book covers, other randomness and whatnot. ooh, and verbiage. for some reason, this has been #2 in random a whole bunch of times...