i'm trendin'

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hey guys.
guess what?
i'm trending in random.

but seriously wattpad? there's a reason i entered in a bunch of enters after the first line of my bio

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but seriously wattpad? there's a reason i entered in a bunch of enters after the first line of my bio. so why can't you keep it like that in this?

also, every time i read that bio, i imagine someone waving their hands and going "whooosh," and them i'm taken to the place where all light succumbs into darkness, where i realize that sooner or later we will all reach our ends in a new glory.

how i remember that is beyond me, but i basically have my bio memorized now....

and i edited my bio today. so now it says "and the [tyde] rises, and the [tyde] falls. and the [tyde] rises, and the [tyde] will fall."

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