i can't.

27 2 44

could you not?

just please.


stop it.

just don't.

i can't take this anymore.

i just can't.

please stop.

just stop.

i can't.

please don't.

will they ever stop being so unreasonable and hypocritical? will she ever realize how much her taunts hurt? will i ever become a better person?

will they ever leave me be? they say that they just want what's best for me but is what they want the best thing for me or for them?

will she ever stop treating me so... she'll probably end up making me want to cry for hours today. because we haven't had to be in the same room for long in a while now and just...

will i ever learn to speak more nicely? to not use such rude tones of voice? to control myself and shut my mouth when i need to? to not give people the looks i give? to not act like such a bitch? to have a better attitude? to be a better person? to have better morals? to not waste so much?  to not be such an idiotic imbecile?

will i ever learn?

will she ever realize?

will they ever stop?

sometimes, i just fucking can't.

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