Chapter 11: Interruption

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      "Are you every going to return home?" Angel asks, tilting her head to the side. The Starlight Princess had a strong sense of worry in her voice. Mordecai sits down, unfolding his wings. "I don't know...I know that they miss me but, traveling is a thing I put on my list" He answers, looking back at Dust and Astral.
      Dust snorts and rolls to his side as the fruit bat swoops down, missing him by a hair.

      "Curses! Fouled again by that trechours cat snake and his slender body." Astral hisses.

      "You know what? Your not that half bad for a fruit eater. You're defiantly a fox bat not a bat with those weird snouts." Dust compliments her.

      "Angel! I need a banana or something. I hangry!" The black fruit bat shouts.

      Angel turns her attention towards Astral, wide eyed with confusion. "Okay I'll get you something but, what the heck is hangry?" Mordecai laughs, "My guess is its a word fusion or something of hungry and angry? Never heard of anyone using that." Astral sneezes and flaps her wings. Her feet clutching a tree branch. "Dust told me about it not too long ago."
Mordecai rolls his eyes and turns around. "Well's not like I should be suspicious of my old friend or anything." Dust nervously laughs and bolts past him. Dust was becoming a literal word machine that spites out whatever weird word he could think of. Mordecai didn't know what to think anymore.
      "Hey, do you want to have a battle?" Angel asks, slowly circling around her cousin. The Moonlight Prince pauses for a moment. Battle like swords? What is she getting at?
      "What do you mean by that?" He finally questions, tilting his head. The Starlight Princess whirls around and shields her body with her wings. A few seconds later a large dragon emerges from the light that took over her body.
      There stood a large lavender and blue dragon. Angel had an unique appearance that Mordecai could never dream of. She had frills coming out of her head, ivory sharp horns and spikes, and a tail almost the same length as his. She was truly a sight to behold.
      Angel roars and spreads her wings open. "Come on! Show me!" She shouts to Mordecai. Mordecai nods then transforms. His scales shining in the sun. He rises up on his hind legs and unleashes a mighty roar.
      The two dragons charge towards each other, with great strength. Angel whirls around, slamming her tail across Mordecai's face. Mordecai growls and swats his talons at her, missing. Angel swiftly strikes his side with her horns. The Moonlight dragon tumbles to the ground, snarling.
He rears up and slams his paws on to her head. The Starlight dragons snorts and opens her wings, flapping and unleashing a gust of wind. Mordecai shields himself with his wings then bolts behind her. He wasn't going to give up. Not until she lost.


      Dust quickly stops and turns his head to see what the commotion was all about. A group of Starlight wolves started to crowd the forest. What there a fight or something?
Astral hovers over him, snickering "Oh Dust. You just don't know do you?" The ferret huffs and looks up "Seriously? Of course not! What is it Mordecai and Angel? Wait didn't you say you were hungry?" He asks slowly bringing his attention towards the crowd. "Yep! Let us see what the heck they're doing now. I'm hungry and I don't think you would make a good meal" The black fruit bat teases. Dust sighs and pads over to the ever growing crowd of Starlight wolves.


      Mordecai swings his tail, whacking Angel in the snout. She growls and snaps her jaws in his face. Mordecai flinches, taking a few steps back. "Seriously?" He grumbles. The Starlight dragon jumps at him, swiftly batting a paw in his head. "Gotcha!" Angel giggles.
      Suddenly a cry was heard from the crowd that the two hadn't notice awhile ago.


      Mordecai and Angel pause. The two dragons turn their heads to see a teal furred Starlight wolf running their way. Angel huffs in annoyance and transforms back, stomping her paws. "By the love of Starfruit...seriously Elrik?" She sighs, facepalming with her paw.
The Starlight wolf skids to a halt and freezes. He looks up at Mordecai and yelps.

      "Um...captain? Who is this?" Elrik asks, taking a step back.

      Angel sighs once more, "Elrik...this is my cousin, Mordecai. The one you found on the beach."

      "Ohhhh...right. So is he a Moonlight wolf, judging by the colors that is?"

      "Yes, yes he is" Angel mumbles in reply.

      Mordecai transforms back. He looks  at the rather scrawy Starlight wolf and smiles. "Yeah I'm Mordecai. The Moonlight wolf Prince. Son of Marcai and Moona. Angel's surprise cousin." He introduced himself. Elrik smiles back, bowing his head.
Dust and Astral zoom into the circling crowd, panting. "What happened and what is going on?!" The ferret says quickly. He turns his head to face Elrik. "Who in the hay barrel is this?" He then asks, eyeing him suspiciously. Astral chimes in "Oh that's the nerd of the army, Elrik" she answers nonchalantly. Elrik glares back at the fruit bat.
      The Starlight Princess quickly butts in "Alrighty about we and end? Me and Mordecai have to go to study or something. Okay bye!" She says in a panic, pushing Mordecai foward. The Moonlight Prince turns his head in confusion, but remains slient. Whatever Angel was doing it didn't seem right.
      Astral places herself on Angel's back and turns her head to stick her tongue out at Elrick. The teal Starlight wolf growls and turns around stomping away. Dust looks back then at Astral, sighing. "Really? Fruit breath? Was that necessary?" He asks, skaking his head in disappointment. "What he's a nerd. I don't associate with nerds!" She shouts.


      Shade circles the egg, staring at it intensely. Come on hatch! It been days since anything had happen. Just as expected, Soul snuck his way in. The large FeatherStorm dragon stares at Shade, not saying a word. Shade pauses and looks up, staring back.



      "You know it won't hatch anytime soon with you circling right?"

      " Of course it won't. Just checking that's all."

      Soul rolls his eyes and walks into the room. "I appreciate you guarding my kid, but I think you're here to replace me or something." The FeatherStorm dragon snickers. Shade gaspes, "What? Me being the" He pauses staring back at the egg "You're crazy! Unless you die. Then sure." He then laughs. Soul snorts, rolling his eyes. "Yeah sure go ahead. I won't be dying anytime soon."
      It was times like these where Shade felt at ease. He still had his mind on Mordecai. Was he ever going to return? Shade had spent his days away from the Moonlight Kingdom. Was it time for him to return? He wanted to help in the issue solving as much as Marcai did, but was it worth the trip?
      Inowa bursts through the door, startling the two. "What in Anzellix's name? What's wrong?" Soul says in shock. Inowa pants then looks up with eyes full of terror, "The city...It's being attacked!"

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