Chapter 4: Other Relatives?

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      The palace was getting closer as they walked. Mordecai felt a sense of relief when seeing it but, at the same time he was nervous. What royals did the palace hold? Were they informed about him? Are they more or less different from his parents? He desperately needed to know.
      The violet wolf stops at the doors of the palace. They say something that Mordecai barely catches and the doors fly open. The wolf looks back at Mordecai and Dust, signaling them to follow.
      The Moonlight Prince enters as a fresh breeze of cool air hits his face. He shivers for a second then proceeds to follow. They walk up a rather dreadful flight of stairs. Mordecai felt like he was going to die on the stairs.
      They finally reach the last bit of stairs and follow the wolf continuously to somewhere unknown to them.
      The violet armored wolf stops at the front of two gigantic lavender painted doors. They knock on one of the doors and a voice answers behind it,

      "Come in!" The voice shouts in an oddly cheerful tone.
      They push the door open and walk in. Mordecai and Dust peek in the most quietest and cautious way possible. The Moonlight wolf looks up to see two larger wolves standing and conversating with the armored wolf.

      "Hi! Sweety! How's everything?" The lavender furred wolf asks, smiling at the violet wolf.

      "M-mom don't say that outloud...They can hear you." The wolf responds in a rather low nervous voice.

      "Hm? Whose they? Oh you have company. Well, bring them in!" The dark blue wolf booms, excitingly.

      The violet wolf sighs, walking to the slightly open door. They look up, catching the Moonlight wolf and ferret peeking in. Mordecai and Dust quickly back away from the door.
      The wolf walks through the door, staring at them. It was a very confused and unsettling stare. "They want you to come in with me." They say in a whisper. The wolf turns back around walking back into the room. Mordecai slowly stalks to the door with Dust passing him. He felt his stomach turning and his head spinning. It was actually happening.


       Beams of sunlight pour into an empty room. The only thing that remained in the room was a small egg. The color of burning fire and white feathers.
      The room is slient. All is still until a creak of a door is heard. The egg shakes once and someone enters the room.


       Mordecai enters the room, quiet and observant. He looks around the room, taking a breath. The room is silent. Then the lavender wolf gaspes.

      "Moona's long lost son? Mordecai, is that you?"

      The Moonlight Prince stands there, not saying a word. Something was coming back to him but, he didn't know what. A memory of some sort. He somehow knew these two wolves.
      "Are you alright?" The dark blue wolf asks, looking at him in concern.

      Mordecai slowly nods his head. His heart was beating out of his chest. What was he to say? They knew him some how and he couldn't say a word to them? A rush of panic hit him and he started breathing quickly.
      "Mordecai...uh, you okay?" Dust speaks up, looking at him funny." He doesn't say a word then looks up. "W-who are you two?" He asks, looking at the two wolves. The larger dark blue wolf gives him a small sorrowful smile. "Your father, Marcai, brought you here is when you were a mere pup. I figured you wouldn't remember so easily. I'm your other uncle, Cosmic." The lavender wolf steps up, gazing up at him, "And I'm your mother's sister, your aunt, Star."
      Mordecai could not believe his very own two ears. Another uncle and an aunt? Then...who was the violet wolf? He slowly looked up at the violet wolf who seemed to be in a state of shock. Had they not told them anything?
      "This" the dark blue wolf says while pointing a paw towards the violet armored wolf, "is your cousin, Angel".
      Mordecai stares at the wolf named, Angel. Angel stares back at Mordecai. The violet wolf turns her head and stares at her parents in disbelief, "You never told me...I never saw him!" She exclaims angrily. Star shakes her head, looking down. "Sweety, you were born a year after he was sent away...for full protection and such. All that jazz. He's pretty much a year older than you." Angel stands there dumbfounded for a moment then she screams, "I HAVE A COUSIN WHO YOU DIDN'T TELL ME ABOUT UNTIL NOW. BETRAYAL!"
      Mordecai takes a step back, staring in horror. Dust looks up at the violet wolf, whispering outloud, "They have unleashed the full rage of the Rage Queen. Betrayal at its finest."
      Angel throws her head back, staring at the ceiling for a moment. She then takes a deep breath, approaching Mordecai. The Moonlight Prince stands there silently and wide eyed. What was she thinking of him. A boring no good perfect prodigy?
      Paws are wrapped around his neck. She was hugging him. "Maybe...I can finally have a chance to chill for once. With someone who isn't the slightest annoying" she suddenly whispers. "What do you mean by that? You have annoying friends?" Mordecai questions back with a whisper. Angel let go and laughs "No, not really. I like to keep to myself a lot of the times. I want you to meet someone, tomorrow that is."
      "You two should get some rest. We have a randomly made guest room just for the two of you. Tomorrow you guys can tells us how you got here, okay." Cosmic says with a smile. Star growls at him, "How could you, Cos? They can't go to bed on an empty stomach!" King Cosmic's eyes widen and he stares blankly at his wife. "I...uh...they don't have to go to sleep now...okay?" He replies slowly. Queen Star huffs and turns to Mordecai and Dust. "You two go to the Dinning Hall. Angel Bear will take you there, right?" She nudges Angel who looks so far off from her regular a few minutes ago self. "Your stabbing my soul in embarrasment, mom. Please for the love of your nephew and the Guardians, please stop and save us all." She says through clenched teeth. Star laughs outloud and Angle quickly walks out. Mordecai and Dust follow behind. One thing was for certain, Mordecai had discovered more crazy and lovable relatives then he had intended.


      He watches as Dust sinks his teeth in the chicken leg and tears a piece off. "You gonna eat?" The ferret asks with a mouth full of meat. Mordecai looks down at his plate and sighs. "I'm not really hungry right now." Angel glances at him funny, "You sure? We can always store it in the Food Saver." The Moonlight Prince looks at her with a puzzling look. "What is that?" "A Food Saver is like a human's refrigerator, whatever they call it." Dust perks up, "Hey! How do you know that word. Stop it. It's weird and familiar to me."
      Both wolves look at him in confusion. "Familiar?" They say at the same time. Dust gives an awkward cough. "There is a story for that later." He gulps his food and loudly burps. Mordecai shakes his head in disgust. Now he had a new suspicion and worry. Where did Dust actually come from?
      Angel finishes her food and walks to the sink with the plate in her mouth. She drops the plate in and turns towards them. "I'll bring you up stairs now, okay?"


       Angel stops at a door, opening it. Mordecai and Dust walk in. The room was a pale blue with a multicolored oval rug (blue mainly), purple curtains, a bed colored purple all around (can never have enough purple), and a oddly placed yellow star night-light. "Uh...this is nice spite all that purple!" Dust exclaims. Unable to respond,  Mordecai just stares at him, tiredly. "Get to bed you two! See you bright and early tomorrow." The violet wolf says then walks out, closing the door behind her.
       Dust hops on to the bed, "Imma need mah beauty sleep!" He yawns. The Moonlight wolf walks up to one of the windows. He pushes the curtains out of the way, placing himself on the unusually large windowsill. He lays there on his back staring out the window and looking out into the distance.




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