Characters so far (updated)

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Not in any Kingdom

Swift: Mother of Zip, Zoom, and Dash. Swift is a yellow and black female wolf with bright blue eyes. She was also a foster mom to Mordecai.

Speed: Father of Zip, Zoom, and Dash. Speed is a brown and white wolf with green eyes. He was also a foster dad to Mordecai.

Zip: Youngest of the trio of brothers. Zip is a yellow furred black striped wolf pup with bright blue eyes. He resembles his mother more than his father. He also loves to run.

Zoom: Second oldest of the trio of brothers. Zoom is a yellow wolf with a white underbelly and bright blue eyes. He resembles his mom and dad and has a strange fascination with the sky and anything in it.

Dash: Oldest of the trio of brothers. Dash is a brown and white wolf with green eyes and has a terrible case of making jokes. He resembles his father more than his mother.

Elder Keen: An old gray wolf with amber eyes living in a den that smells like feet. Elder Keen is known to know everything even though that's a lie because he reads the Book of Life that is updated frequently and the Sky Mail from the Cloudwhirl Kingdom.

Grounder: A large brown wolf with amber eyes. Grounder is the mentor of Kai and is teaching her the Arts of ancient Anzellix writing and language. He and Arkoh are very close due to growing up together and mentoring.

Arkoh (Ark-oh): A large dark gray wolf with deep green eyes. Arkoh is the mentor of Ti and is also teaching him the same thing as Kai. Grounder and Arkoh met when they were young and they are still friends.

Ti (T-I): A dark brown wolf with light green eyes. Ti is the apprentice of Arkoh and has a bad habit of whining or complaining. He often makes mistakes but quickly fixes them and redeems himself.

Kai: A blue female wolf with dark ocean blue eyes. Kai is the apprentice of Grounder and the daughter of Sala. She loves to study nature and wishes to visit a certain kingdom one day.

Edver: A light brown feathered Griffin with yellow eyes. Edver loves to tease Arkoh and Ti when he gets the chance. Arkoh and Edver first met in Wolgon City when he decided to visit the place.

Sala (Sa-la): A light blue female wolf with forest green eyes. Sala was the first foster mom to Mordecai however, she wasn't his foster mom for long because she was going to have Kai. She is also the only female in the Wolgon Elite and is the leader after the original leader quit.

Wounder: An orange and white wolf with amber eyes. Wounder is the second member of the Wolgon Elite. He and Sala are very close and he also knew her mate before he passed away in battle.

Gray: A gray wolf with dark blue eyes. Gray is the third member of the Wolgon Elite and was born in Elemon Village. He and Aladof are close friends however, they don't see each other often like they used to.

Omega: A muscular brown wolf with pale green eyes. Omega is the last member of the Wolgon Elite and is friends with Orail. He and Orail met in Elemon Village along with Aladorf. He is also known to have a bad temper around some others or situations.

Orail (O-rail): A gray wolf with gray eyes. Orail was once a solider in the Elemon army but, retired. He moved not far from the village and is close friends with Omega. He can also read facial expressions of others.

Inowa (I-no-wa): A black and blue female wolf with bright ocean blue eyes. Inowa is the sister of Orail and she studied the Arts of magic. She was a full time mage in Elemon Village, but left in order to practice more spells and curses without causing harm.

Angie: A brown and white bunny with dark brown eyes. Angie seems to be a very adorable casual shopkeeper however, she is apart of a pirate crew.

Aladorf (A-la-dorf): A dark ginger wolf with green eyes. Aladorf is head captain of the Elemon Village guard patrol and is good friends with Gray. He may come off mean, but that is an act of caution.

Dust: Silver mitt ferret with dark brown eyes. Dust is a whacky adorable ferret that knows no boundaries of making corny jokes and humor. He was living with Inowa at the time, but decided to leave and then met Mordecai. He also offered to help the Wolgon Elite look for Mordecai.

Moonlight Kingdom

Mordecai: The special Moon-Birth Moonlight wolf Prince. Mordecai is a black and red wolf with dragon wings and dark amber eyes. He has red talons that can unsheath and sheath. He made a vow to himself that he would rid of any evil lurking around the kingdoms and search for more answers on the "Phantom Lord".

Marcai: The king of the Moonlight wolves and father of Mordecai. Marcai is a black and red wolf with dark amber eyes. He banished his brother from the kingdom then later found him and lured Shade into a trap in the Broken Core. He also put Mordecai under protection when he was young with Sala and left. The Moonlight King had sensed strange evil growing in his brother and deeply regretted his choice however, the past is over and he happily reunited with Shade.

Moona: The queen of the Moonlight wolves and mother of Mordecai. Moona is a light red female Moonlight wolf with amber eyes. Moona met Marcai when they were young and soon became his mate taking the throne and having Mordecai.

Shade: Formally known as the infamous Shadoweye. He is the younger brother of Marcai by a minute and has gray and black fur. When struck by an unknown power of greed, envy, and anger, he had become Shadoweye and sided with DarkMoon. This lead to his potential downfall and reformation in the future

On the waters of Anzellix

Scarder: A fox with a fiery orange coat, emerald green eyes, and black paws. He is the captain of the pirate crew who Mordecai and Dust assisted in finding the Tidalfall Kingdom. He isn't as sly and cunning as a fox is thought to be but, he tries.

Morton: A brown and white monkey with dark brown eyes. Morton is somewhat a second in command in Scarder's ship. When fishing for food, he somehow always catches piranhas. He carries his lucky cutlass in case of a battle.

Gullian: A seagull who is always the outlook of Scarder's crew. When danger arrives, he signals the others for preparation. He was the first member to meet Scarder when the crew was in the works.

Railen: The SkullRuns crew's captain. Ever since he met Scarder's crew, he declared them as rivals.

Pete: A red parrot with a slick tongue and attitude. He is the second in command in SkullRuns.

Allon: A silent but deadly and tough ape of the crew. Always butts heads with Morton.

Ollie: Smart and witty otter in the crew. He takes no interest in being persuaded by Ralien and does his own things most of time.

Tidalfall Kingdom

King Coral: A careless and lazy king who has no concerns or fears of his own kingdom being attacked or anyone. King Coral is a Dark blue scaled Tidalfall wolf.

Queen Tidal: A queen who wants to protect her people no matter what. Her mate doesn't listen to her concerns so she takes matters into her own. Queen Tidal is a sea green scaled Tidalfall wolf.

Prince Shallow: Heir to the king and Queen of the Tidalfall Kingdom. Shallow is very much like his mother due to the odd change in his father over the years and his lack in motivation and such. He looks up to her because she is a true ruler and what a ruler should be. Prince Shallow is a light green scaled Tidalfall wolf.


Catherine: A black fur feline with one good blue eye. She mysteriously become appointed General after Shadoweye had been saved and reformed. She does her job as according but is rumored to be hiding a unspeakable secret.

Hin: A red and black furred hyena. He is what you would call a "laughing maniac" and has a knack for just about killing everything.

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