Chapter 3: Starbright Village

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      The Moonlight wolf had noticed the sudden change of scenery. The tree leaves had changed from a dark green to purple. It bothered him some how. They reminded him of the Moonlight Kingdom's trees, then being purple and all. Am I home? He questioned himself.
      The violet wolf in armour halts in front of a gate. The gate was an ebony black with swirls of purple painted on it. On the top of the gate read, 'Starbright Village' in bold letters. Starbright Village? By the Guardians is this...It can't be! Mordecai's mind was now swirling. He didn't want to believe the location that might be in, but it was true.
      The violet wolf slowly walks through the gate, with the Moonlight wolf and ferret following behind. Mordecai steps through the gate then pauses. He looks down at the ground, shaking. Dust looks up and hurries to his side. "You okay? Does this place give you bad vibes or something?" The ferret asks in concern. Mordecai says nothing. Then he looks up at Dust. "No, I'm fine. I-I just know this place somehow. Maybe I visited here when I was young?" I remember it somehow, but I don't know why. It's weird." Dust sighs in relief "Oh good. I thought you were experiencing some traumatic flashback or something weird like that."
      Mordecai laughs, shaking his head. "You're crazy, you know?" After all this time that the Moonlight Prince and silver mitt ferret had spent together, Mordecai still couldn't understand his friend's quirkiness and bizarre ideas.
      "Are you coming?" The violet wolf questions, turning their head to face them. Mordecai nods his head and catches up to them.


       "Are we finally at the village?" Ti asks, panting. Kai looks up and nods with a smile. "Yes. We have arrived at Elemon! We can't stop now though, let's look for the resting spot for visitors and travelers." Ti sighs and follows the blue wolf's lead.
      The dark brown wolf's eyes widen as he sees a familiar wolf heading towards them. "Aladorf! It's a pleasant surprise to see you." He greets the dark ginger wolf, with a wagging tail. Aladorf pauses with a hearty laugh, "Well, well, if it isn't the brave apprentice of Arkoh. Good to see you again." Kai stops walking and eyes the armored wolf. She never saw him before. When going through the village to the Moonlight Kingdom for the very first time, she did not see him. Sala had saw him in person and she even told her daughter, but never had Kai seen this guard.
      Aladorf turns to Kai with a toothy grin. "Ah, you must be the Wolgon City leader's daughter, correct?" Kai gives a current nod but says nothing. Will he judge me? For being Sala's daughter? Kai's mind spins to a point were she doesn't know how to response. Worry began to cloud her vision. Was she suppose to be perfect. A perfect kin from a perfect leader...parent? After losing her father, she felt as if she had to be a well rounded pup. It was overwhelming to Kai.
      Ti places a paw on the blue wolf, starling her. The dark brown wolf lowers his head in a apologetic motion. "S-sorry about that, Kai. Aladorf was speaking to you and you seemed to space out. You were making a really odd facial expression." Kai's face felt hot and she turns her head in embarrassment. "No...I'm so sorry about that. I was over thinking again. Hello, it's nice to meet you, Aladorf." Aladorf chuckles "Now there's no need for apologizes.  What can I help you two with?" He then asks.
      Kai and Ti glance at each other for a moment. Kai groans in defeat then answers, "We...uh...need a place to rest for the day. Tomorrow morning we have to leave and travel to Whale Island."
      The dark ginger wolf ponders for a moment then gaspes in realization "Oh! Mordecai was it? That royal pup came from there. I figured he's home in his kingdom all fattened up and all. How is he?" Kai and Ti quickly look at each other, deciphering who should tell the guard. Then Ti quickly speaks up, "Uh, he's fine and dandy. Pretty fat!" He says nervously. "Yep fat and happy!" Kai joins into the lie. Aladorf looks at the two young wolves and a frown takes over. "Y-you two sure? You sound like something bad happened to him?" He questions in concern. The two wolves smile in a nervous panic and shake their heads 'no'. "Has he done anything unusual?" Aladorf asks shooting another suspicious question at them. They shake their heads 'no' a second time.
      Kai somewhat breaks from her act, "No need to worry. The Moonlight Prince is fine. Now, we need you to direct us to shelter for the rest of the day. Will you please?" She pleads. Aladorf sighs "Alright you two. Come. Follow me."


      The mysterious violet armored wolf guides Mordecai and Dust through the village. Numbers of new colored wolves turned their head in their direction. The wolf pups stood there in wonder and awe and the others either akwardly hid from view or gave a friendly wave or 'hello'.
      Mordecai felt a little worried. Were they informed about him and Dust? Did they pose as a threat? It was weird. The Tidalfall wolves being afriad and naive was one thing, but this was flat out off.

      "Are they okay? Am I too weird for them...are we?" The Moonlight Prince asks the violet wolf in concern. The violet wolf halts then growls. "You have to be kidding me! I'll haunt Elrick's very soul! I did not want him to frighten the villagers...idiot!" They shout in low voiced rage. Mordecai and Dust take a step back in fear and confusion.
      The wolf looks up and awkardly laughs, "Sorry. I was informed about you two from a soldier of the army. I guess he decided to make you guys seem scary or weird. I'm sorry. Let's continue to the palace." Mordecai and Dust sigh in relief. "It's fine let's go!" Dust exclaims. The ferret jumps up, running in front. Mordecai shakes his head and sighs. He then looks up to see a very purple palace in their line of sight.


      "You're staying at the LightFeather Kingdom? For how long? Weren't you just visiting them a day or two ago?" The Moonlight King asks, giving his brother a look of concern. Shade sighs, seating himself next to Marcai. "Just for awhile...I want to help out and make up for the horrible things I did. In the past that is." He replies, meeting Marcai's worried expression. Shade wanted to still redeem himself somehow. He was no longer Shadoweye, but a former shell of himself rather.
      The Moonlight King takes a deep breath. He looks down, letting out a heavy sigh "Alright fine. You do realize that me and Moona will be...lonely again? Right? With Mordecai gone again and now you...what will we do?" He questions his brother.
      Shade nods not saying another word. He didn't want to leave, but if Mordecai could do it, so could he. The last thing that was in his mind was, his nephew's sword.

      "One more thing, Marcai"


     "So about Mordecai's sword..."



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