Chapter 12: Reflection

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      Mordecai stares out the large window of his room. He watches a series of bright and color fireworks light up the sky. Dust leaps on to the windowsill, staring out as well. "Hey" he whispers. The Moonlight Prince glances back at Dust then continues to watch the bright array of colors. "Yeah" he whispers back. Dust yawns, stretching his body out. He then places his tiny paws on the window. "What do you think this Darkmoon is trying to do?" He asks, keeping his focus on the sky.
      Mordecai hesitates and blinks. Then he turns his head towards the ferret, "I don't really know...but I have a bad feeling they know something about me and are doing what they can to stop everyone trying to protect this region" he replies, staring blankly out the window. Mordecai didn't really know what they planning or rather doing. The only things he knew and kept at the back of his mind, was that they attacked him and had relations to his uncle.
      "So you ever wonder what you really are and why? I know your a special type of wolf in your kingdom, but does it concern you? Like at all?" Dust questions, turning his head back to the Moonlight Prince. Mordecai sighs "Knowing me and how I think, no. I try not to question myself and just accept what I am. I do know this whole 'light fighting the dark' thing is really out of hand, but that's something I've come to accept in this world."
      The ferret laughs and releases his paws from the window. He falls on his back and rolls to the side. He leaps off windowsill and pads to the door. "I'm going to join this random festival. Are you coming?" He asks. "I...don't know. Just go and enjoy yourself, okay? You might need it more than I do." Mordecai answers back, not moving his face an inch from the window. Dust sighs quietly and heads down the stairs.

      "You know, you really should just go" a voices echos in his mind.

      Mordecai jumps and turns his head around in a panic. Who...what? Who's this? At that very second, the voice replies back.

      "You really don't remember? It's me, Jauthum!" The black jaguar spirit exclaims in shock.

      Mordecai sits there, dumbfounded for a moment. Then he realized something, she was able to communicate with him through mind. She had done it in the Inner Realm.

      He quickly answers back Sorry...I hadn't heard your voice in awhile. What's wrong? He questions her quickly, waiting for a response. "Well, not to be creepy but I checked into your mind when you and your little friend were chatting. It seems as though you have many questions but a pure stand on them. So tell me, what is it that you wish to know? I may not have all the answers although, it wouldn't kill you to ask" Jauthum answers back quickly.
      Mordecai pauses for a minute or two then asks Do you know why I'm here, not the Starlight Kingdom of course? "You are an odd reincarnation of some kind. We do not know however. King Moon was the first, your great grandfather." She says, in a mere whisper. Mordecai cocks his head to the side, What's wrong? He asks in concern to the jaguar's sudden quietness. There is a long pause then she answers "I'm not sure, but would you be interested in me telling you a little bit about both your grandfathers?" Mordecai perks up in excitement Of course! I want to learn more about my ancestors. The Moonlight Prince hesitates then asks Can you by any chance tell me more about DarkMoon? I only know so much. "Yes, I can. DarkMoon was built off of hatred, envy, and malice. How they were truly formed is unknown. Now what they what you unknown. Me and the other Guardians can't break through their forces. There is something blocking us. All we can do is hope for the better." She murmers with a sigh. Mordecai could tell that no one knew anything about them. It was rather stressful.
      Jauthum continues "Catherine, which is a name you have heard, is their current leader. She has this particular link to your uncle, Shade. They knew each other many years ago until the trust and friendship broke between them. That's when DarkMoon took over. A sob story in a way." she takes a pause then continues again "the throne issue between your father and uncle was true however, it only fueled his emotions. It did not start his path of entering the 'Kingdom of Darkness'."
      Mordecai sighs looking back at the bedroom door Well that's just dandy...anyway, you said my great grandfather was similar to me? Not my dad's dad? He then asks.
      "Yes, he was. Your grandfather was known as King Night. He was the one in the story. Now King Moon was the first king. He was the first ever Moon-Birth in the history of Anzellix and we trained him. That's why you're so special to everyone."


      Kai runs as fast as her legs could carry her. Wolgon City was about to be attacked and she needed to get there. Not even Ti could slow her down.
      While in Elemon Village, Aladorf had gotten a message pertaining to the city. She knew her mother was there and left as quickly as possible. They got the information needed from Elder Keen and now danger approached.
      Kai approaches the doors of the city, rushing though them. Her eyes couldn't believe what she saw. An army of the most dangerous creatures known to Anzellix, RazorFangs.


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