Chapter 15: Battle of Blood and Bone

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      "Ti...I need your help" Kai says, not meeting the dark brown wolf's eyes. She hears a gulp and looks up. "You're not doing what I think you're doing...right?" Ti asks in a startled tone. Kai stares back at him then hangs her head. A boiling fury to protect her mother and a silent worry to have Ti aid her was stressful. She needed to do it.
      "Please...I need to do this. Even if I end up being a sacrifice" Kai begs, looking up with eyes full of tears. "I need to do this" she repeats. Her voice was breaking and her breathing was shallow. She needed her mother...She needed everyone.
      Ti stares back unable to move. The blue wolf screamed inside her mind. She knew that he was thinking she was doing a suicide mission. Even if she was, she couldn't wait any longer.
      Kai rushes out of the room, leaving Ti to scream her name.


      Soul crashes into a group of RazorFangs. He swings his talons, raking one across the face.
      Shade slams his body into one, knocking the beast off balance. Another RazorFangs swings its claws towards Shade's face, he ducks, and Soul leaps up. His eyes begin to give off a blue glow. His jaws open up and a bright blue ball of fire shoots out, scorching the RazorFang in the face.
      Shade halts in surprise and turns his head towards Soul. "That was amazing!" He yips in glee. "I know but we have problems to deal with!" Soul replies, ducking his head from a RazorFang tail. Shade nods and continues to fight along side the FeatherStorm dragon.


      Kai rushes to the Sword shop. No one was there but she jumped in, looking for a weapon. Out of the piles of weapons that were not chosen, only one remained, SilverTooth.
      The small sharp dagger that seemed to be calling her name was left. The blue wolf quickly grabs the dagger, carrying it in her mouth. She was going to use this no matter what.
      Kai swifty runs through the city, in search of her mother. Where is she? She can't be far!
      The only sights she saw were Fallen bodies of both soliders and RazorFangs. Both sides were still standing, but in a horrific bloody massacre. Her eyes could be covered.
      A voice rang in the distance. Kai turned her head to see Omega and Gray fighting side by side as well as some strong enough tourists. A wave of relief hit her as she watches them fight. At least they were alright. Where in Anzellix is my mother and Gray?!
      A snarl snaps her right back in reality. Kai quickly turns her head to see a RazorFang ten times her size. It was much bigger then the first one she had encountered.
      Kai growls. Her fur bristling and face scorning. She was ready to fight.
      The RazorFang lands the first attack, swinging its large claw. Kai leaps over it, stabbing the beast in the eye. The RazorFang screeches, blood dripping from the wound. It covers its eye with a paw, but continues to battle.
      Kai swifty rolls to the side and thrusts the dagger into the beast's hind leg. She slashes at the other leg, causing the RazorFang to fall in agonizing pain. It howls in fury, struggling to get up. Just as Kai was about to unleash a finishing blow. Three more RazorFangs came up behind her.


      Shade and Soul dash through the crowds of fighting. Soul whips his tail across an approaching RazorFang, knocking it to the ground. Shade thrusts a spear though a RazorFangs leg. It screeches and tumbles to the ground. Just as the RazorFang limps away, a blue fireball flies, hitting it in the stomach. It collapses to the ground, sizzling from the impact. Soul had once again landed a finishing blow.
      Shade's eyes scanned the city for any familiar faces. His eyes landed on a cornered blue wolf. Kai!


      Sala growls as a odd colored hyena approaches her. "Who are you! Why are you attacking the city?!" She demands, letting out a vicious snarl. The hyena laughs "Oh, no one special. We're just here to clean up. Starting with you! No hard feelings and the names Hin!"
      Sala snarls once more. Just then Wounder steps in front of her. "I'll handle this. Now go! Kai is in grave danger!"
      Sala's heart stops at the sound of Kai's name. Hadn't she told her to stay? Then it hit her, she never said anything about hiding. Kai was only doing what she did best. Fight her own battles. Now she was in a match that she could not handle.
      The light blue wolf turns her head towards the view of a fallen RazorFang and three other ones crowding Kai. Sala zooms past Hin, leaving Wounder to him. I'm coming, Kai!


      Kai backs up into a corner. She frantically looks around, searching for some type of back up. The drooling, snapping, bloodthirsty RazorFangs in front of her were a definite sign of death. Come on! Think!
      "Look what we have here! A delightful funsized snack!" The Razorfang on the left growls, flickering their tail back and forth.

      The RazorFang in the right snickers and the one in the middle stares her down. It was as though the beast's crimson eyes stared through her very soul. Kai gulps, but continues to hold on to the bloodied SilverTooth. A white blur wraps its jaws around the back of the left Razorfangs neck. "Soul!" Kai cries out.
      Soul yanks the RazorFang back, flipping it over and snapping its neck. Kai cringes then jumps in surprise to Shade leaping in mid air and stabbing the right RazorFang in the side.
Just as she's about to face the middle RazorFang, the RazorFang rises up and swings its claw, knocking her off her paws.
      Kai lands on her back. She opens her eyes and everything seemed off. Had the RazorFang nearly knocked her out?
      A large paw slams down on her chest. Kai's eyes widen in fear and her heartbeat quickens. She looks up, petrified by the RazorFangs action. An open mouth of razor sharp fangs flash in her face and the scent of blood hits her nose. A split second later, a light blue blur forced its way into the jaws of the beast.


      Sala enduranced the sharp pain, going into the back of her neck. She stood over Kai's body, bleeding heavily. The RazorFang bit down even harder, shaking her body.
      The RazorFang opened its bloodied mouth and tossed her to the side.
      Sala let out a hoarse cough. Her vision was blurred and the only thing she could hear was the terrified screaming of Kai. Is this it?
      The massive wound on her neck was bleeding heavily and the taste of blood filled her mouth. She knew she didn't have much longer, but in the end and it was worth it. To save Kai.


      Kai's heart stopped and her blood ran cold. She looks over to her mother's fallen body, screaming in terror.
      The RazorFang turns its head to have a dagger thrusted into its neck. The RazorFang yowls in fury and a pair of jaws sinkes into its leg.
      Kai leaps up and jabs SilverTooth into the RazorFangs head. Soul swings his neck up, raising the silver beast up then Shade charges foward piercing a spear through its heart.


      The sound off quick paws steps, rushes through Sala's ears. She slowly opens her wet eyes to see Kai standing on front of her.

      "Mother! Mom! Get up...please" Kai pleads. Her eyes clouded by tears. The tears run down her face as Sala stares back.

      "I'm so...proud of you...I'm sorry. I'm so sorry" Sala replies in a mere whisper. Her eyes beginning to close again.

      With all her strength she mustered to say three final words, before her final breath "I love you." I always will!


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