Chapter 23: In Distress!

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Mordecai watches as Ebony flaps her wings and flies around him. What on Anzellix is she doing?! His patience was running thin and the clock on the wall seemed to tick every so often. If Catherine was going to come back soon, he needed a plan and Ebony wasn't helping.
The raven stops a swiftly lands on front of him. She narrows her beady eyes and rises a wing to her beak.

"Psst! Kid! Jauthum told me something. When the clock strikes quarter to twelve they will be here."

"I highly doubt your words. What are you even talking about?"

"Your cousin."

"A-Angel? Is she crazy? She's probably alone and there's no way Dust is coming. He's too small to fight."

"She wouldn't go alone. She knows what is smart and what isn't."

      Mordecai sighs and turns his body away from her. He settles himself down and closes his eyes. He didn't care anymore. His body seemed like it was fading. He rejected almost every bit of attempted meals they gave him. Whether it be soiled fish or an unknown substance, he wouldn't touch it. Thankfully, it had only been three days but it felt like an eternity. He knew that it was doing a great deal to his health but it didn't seem to really phase him.
Time passed and the usual had happened.
      A muskrat soldier tip toes his way to Mordecai's cell and slides a rusted plate under the cell. The dark furred muskrat wobbles his way through the door. Mordecai gets up and turns his head. He rolls his eyes as he spots another gruesome looking fish. Its eyes were bulging out and sharp teeth pointed out of the mouth. Another nomination for the weirdo down the street...thanks.
      His ears catch a whisper and he looks up towards Ebony.

      "I'll eat it. Won't kill me. Probably..." she says, eyeing the fish.

      "Pssh. Knock yourself out" Mordecai responds in annoyance.

      Ebony pauses and looks up, "Say...they should be here right about now."


      Angle stares down from the cliff she had been standing on for about several minutes. The view of the false kingdom had actually sent chills down her spin.
      Darkmoon was extremely dark like its name and the sky always seemed gray. No color touched this place and surely the villainous creatures that hid there were the same. The trees and any type of life residing in there were also lifeless.
      A single vulture catches her attention and she jumps.

     "Hello there. What a fine morsel we have here!" The vulture whispers with a sudden smile of death planted on its face.

      Angel glares and leaps off of the cliff with Elrik struggling behind her. It was a sudden impulse if rage but she didn't care. What matter now was that she was prepared to fight the entire army and save her cousin.
      Angel's paws touch the ground and she flinches in response. The ground seemed like it was covered in ice but the cold winds and atmosphere made it seem that way. She quickly dashes to the side and towards the large iron gate.
      Angel quickly transforms and unleashes a powerful flamethrower. The iron bars slowly begin to melt. Darn it! It isn't enough...maybe. She looks to Elrik for aid and he let out a sigh.
      The smaller Starlight wolf transforms into his Starlight dragon form. He puffs his chest out and together the two melt the rest of the gate. Fallen embers hit the ground and Angel steps over it, with a grin. Here we come!
      A cold wind brushes against their fur as both wolves walk in. The dark building was completely empty but Angel knew something was bound to happen.


      "Lady Catherine! What do you suppose we do? The intruders are armed but there isn't many if them. Only two" The meerkat asks in a panic.
      Catherine closes her eyes and sighs. "I did not expect his little cousin, the Princess of Starlight, to come. Double the forces and unleash a sneak attack. It will surely overwhelm them" she howls the command. Let's see how long she will last.

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