Chapter 22: Dreams and Nightmares

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Kai sits at the edge of a pond, humming a tune. It was the very tune Sala had hummed to her before rest.
Kai closes her eyes for a mere second. Everything was calm until a flash of blood and the memory of that day. She quickly opens her eyes and pants. Kai's eyes widen with fear and she turns her head, looking around frantically. Why won't it go away? Why me?
Everyday was becoming a living nightmare. She believed that there was recovery but it was useless now. Would she recover? Was it too late to move from the past? It haunted her day in and out.
Shade runs up to her in shock. "Are you alright? Did it happen again?" He quickly asks in concern.
Kai glances up to meet his eyes. "Not wasn't as bad a yesterday." She answers weakly while looking down at her paws.
Shade sighs and sits next to her. He wraps a wing around her for comfort. "You know? It's not easy losing a loved one. When Marcai had to banish me, he felt the same way I believe. He felt like he was going to lose his own blood forever. Then bam! Mordecai saved the day."
Kai shakes her head with a quiet laugh. "Well, he's not here now is he? I just hope he returns. Ti isn't the same. He's a nervous wreck and he won't speak to anyone. He won't even look at me. I fear his condition is worse than mine." Kai responds, turning her head to face him.
"I heard...I do have a question. Would you like traveling with Soul, Whitney, and I to some place. I know it's a question out of no where but, would you?" Shade asks, glancing up at the sky.
"To where do you propose?" Kai answers weakly. Why ask this? It's so weird. I doubt it will help me.
Shade looks her in the eyes, "To the GreenWood Kingdom of course" he answers finally.
Kai's eyes widen. Did he really just say that? Did he really just say that to her? Out of all the possible things he could have told her, he told her this.
With a stutter she replies "Y-yes...I'd love to. When do we leave?!" Kai suddenly bursts out. Shade takes a step back, "Well as I can see, that lightened your mood. In the next three days. We hope they can help with scouting information out from Darkmoon. Mordecai might be coming there next. It's more then likely either of those things are bound to happen." He replies with a chuckle.
A sigh of relief escapes Kai. She sits herself down and closes her eyes. "Please guide us to safety, Guardians" she pleads in a whisper.
Whether they heard her or not, she needed as much protection as possible. Whitney was still young and Shade could only fight with what he had like her. Soul was the only companion who was capable of fending for himself. He was strong enough even with a young one at his side.
"I'll do what it takes..." She quickly responses, looking up at Shade with determination. Shade nods with and toothy grin and takes off.
Whatever mess Kai had just agreed to, she hoped her mother would be proud. I hope you're still with me...even after death.

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