Lotor's Advance (Chapter 2)

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Hey guys! I'm back! This week has been crazy busy, so sorry if I miss an update. Anyway, thanks for reading, please vote and comment, and hope you enjoy!


After their discussion, Shiro returned to his room for the night. Keith didn't talk to Lance that night like he usually did either.

If he had, things might've turned out much differently.

Keith was deeply asleep when the door to his bedroom slid open. Keith shifted, turning onto his back, but stayed asleep. The intruder crept in and up to the bedside, the sleeping teen completely unaware.

The intruder activated his prosthetic, his hand radiating with Galran energy as it hovered near the teen's throat. Just one jab. One slice.

One slight move of his hand, and the Black Paladin would be no more. Voltron couldn't be formed ever again. The Galra would win...

The heat from the prosthetic brought the teen to reality. At first, his violet eyes still held a lot of sleep.

Keith didn't quite understand what was happening. He felt Shiro on top of him. He felt warm around his neck.

But the look on Shiro's face, the blank yet conflicting emotion obvious, quickly startled the teen awake.

"S--Shiro," Keith stammered, trying to move away from the hand. He found himself pinned. "W--What are...?"

"I'm not Shiro," he growled.

"What are you talking about?"

"I-- I was sent to kill the Black Paladin, but..."

"Whether you're Shiro or not, my previous offer still stands," Keith continued, his violet eyes still locked on the glowing hand at his throat. "We can talk this out, we can help you--"

"Shut up!" Shiro shouted, his hand slowly pulling away but keeping the teen pinned. "They sent me to kill you..."

"Who?" Keith asked, trying to keep his voice and anger calm, looking his death square in the eyes. He never would've imagined it would be Shiro, or a look-a-like, anyway.

"Galra. And I tried... I really tried. But I couldn't do it... because he loved you. Every time I looked at you, I knew the reason why he did."

"S--Shiro...?" Was all the teen could say.

The door to his room suddenly slid open. Shiro had forgot to lock it. In the doorway, blaster bayard aimed, was Lance, in his blue robe and slippers, but still ready to protect his boyfriend and leader.

"I knew it," he hissed, eyeing the traitor through the scope. "I knew something was up with Shiro!"

The others came up behind him, sleepy-eyed but with their own bayards nonetheless. When they saw Keith's situation they all snapped awake.

"Guys, that anomaly the pod picked up," Pidge muttered. "That's because it wasn't Shiro..."

"Shiro" clenched his teeth, his hand reactivating and nearing Keith's neck once more.

They all froze. "Shiro, let's talk about this--"

"It's too late for that, Keith," he muttered before hauling the teen to his feet.

"Release him," Lance warned, finger resting on the trigger. "Now!"

"That's not going to happen, Lance," Shiro countered, his glowing hand hovering at Keith's throat. "I can't kill the Black Paladin, but I can take him."

Keith's eyes widened fearfully, as Shiro twisted the teen's arms behind him and used his belt to secure them there. Shiro growled at the others, his eyes glowing yellow, just like the Galra.

Shiro forced Keith forward, and all the others could do was back away or risk killing Keith.

Shiro said he couldn't kill Keith. Doesn't mean he wouldn't. Lance had been right before, a man pushed into a corner was unpredictable, and Shiro had been pressed in a corner for years.

Killing Keith wasn't an option, and they all knew it, especially Lance. His conflict on yielding to Shiro was obvious on his face, but reluctantly, Lance backed away enough for the two to make their way to the hangar bay.

Shiro tossed Keith into one of the pods like a rag doll, and the engines hummed to life before the pod blasted away.

They turned to Allura, who was already walking back inside. "What are you waiting for?! Lions, now!"

In mere moments all except the Black Lion were rushing towards the pod.

"Princess, be careful," Coran warned. "Sensors picked up an incoming ship--"

A Galra ship emerged in front of the pod, its tractor beam drawing the Altean pod in.

"Lotor--!" Lance shouted, the Red Lion shooting forward, reaching speeds that even Keith had rarely achieved.

He couldn't let Lotor win. He couldn't let Keith get kidnapped so easily. He couldn't lose.

"KEITH!" Lance cried as the pod disappeared in the ship. Lance was two seconds from reaching the ship. Two seconds from stopping Lotor. Two seconds from saving Keith.

But he was too late.

Lance and the Red Lion were thrown back as the Galran engines fired up, and the ship disappeared as quickly as it had appeared, taking Keith with it.

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