The Next Plan Phase (Chapter 13)

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Hey guys, I'm back again! Hope you enjoy, please comment, and thanks for reading!


Lotor had provided armor he hand picked. It was slimming, and suited the human perfectly.

It was too small for most Galra, so no one would care.

"Absolutely stunning," Lotor breathed. Lance walked on, yellow eyes staring ahead. The teen looked at the Galran Emperor and smiled.

"Thank you."

Lotor smiled back before regaining his posture as a squadron approached.

"Emperor," they saluted before drawing weapons and pointing it at the ex-Paladin. "Sir, back away! He's a Paladin--!"

"At ease," Lotor barked, stepping between them. "Stand down, the Paladin belongs to me!"


"Show them," Lotor told Lance. Lance turned, piling his armor down slightly to show the tech beginning at the base of his neck.

"Ah, I see... Well, sorry for the confusion. Vrepit Sa!" The squad continued along, the rear soldiers glancing back at Lance nervously.

"Come Blue," Lotor ordered as they continued on. "Voltron cannot be formed. We plan the next strike. That squadron gave me an idea. First, we will introduce you to the Galra Empire. The best way to do that?"

Lotor smirked as he drew his sword and held it out to the teen. "The arena."


Lotor waited in the gate opening, his arm around the teen's shoulders. This would do it.

Prove to the Galra and himself who Lance was truly loyal to. If it was too much for the human, he'd interrupt and save him.

Lotor watched as the sword drove into the writhing victim. The crowd erupted in cheers before he ushered Lance in.

"Don't die," he whispered to the teen before the gates closed back. A sword wasn't the best weapon for him, they both knew it, but it would have to do.

"Ladies and gentlemen," Lotor boomed. "I present the ex-Red Paladin of Voltron!" Gasps and shouts swept through the crowd, before Lotor reluctant gave the signal to begin the match.

The two charged, and Lance gave a few sloppy swings. His large opponent easily knocked him back.

Lance gasped for air, his arms trembling with the unfamiliar weapon. He needed something he was familiar with.

Lotor and Lance both locked eyes on the guard. More notably, his blaster. Except his opponent was between them.

The two charged once more. In a split second, Lance threw his weapon, a foolish tactic to most. He continued running to his armed opponent, weaponless.

It was a suicidal charge. Lotor prepared to interject, but a single second glance from Lance stopped him.

Lance slid under the opponent's blade, a few of his hairs getting sliced in the process.

Lance charged the guard, slinging the gun out of his hand. He took a deep breath, and took aim as the opponent charged once more.

He stilled himself before pulling the trigger. The blast went straight at its target, burning through one of its dozen eye sockets before delivering a fatal blow into the brain.

The gladiator collapsed instantly.

Everyone stared at Lance in absolute shock, especially when he helped the guard to his feet and returned his weapon.

Lotor strolled out calmly.

"Ladies and gentlemen, you have witnessed firsthand the worth of one of our newest assets, Lance, the ex-Red Paladin of Voltron--"

"How can we be sure he won't turn on us?!" A few yelled back. Nervous mutterings swept through the crowd.

"Take a close look," Lotor clued. Lance turned and showed them once more. "He is in my complete control, and should something happen--"

Lotor grabbed his sword and held it at the human's throat.

"I will kill him, and end Voltron's reign permanently. He is of more use to us alive. And I can absolutely guarantee that he will help bring the downfall of Voltron."

Lance turned and saluted to Lotor.

A few in the crowd reluctantly followed, but soon, everyone saluted, chanting not only Lotor's name, but Lance's as well.

This was what he wanted. A place to belong and a place to get respect. He got that with the Galra, with Lotor.

"Now, come Blue," Lotor smirked. "We plan to strike."

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