A Troubled Castle (Chapter 4)

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Hey guys! Many I can't tell you how happy I am that tomorrow is Friday. Usually I do two stories at once, but I just don't have the time to write right now. Maybe next time. Anyway, thanks for reading, please comment, and hope you enjoy!


Lance paced in the command room aboard the Castle. Coran and Pidge were searching the scanners non-stop to find Lotor's ship. But it was as if he had just disappeared.

The others watched the new Red Paladin with worry. "Guys, we have to get him back. We can't form Voltron now without him!"

"Lance, please, calm down," Allura pleaded. "We all understand the severity of the situation, but we must also keep the fate of the universe in mind. I think we all know what Keith would want--"

"You don't think I know that?!" Lance snapped back. "I know what Keith would want, I'm his boyfriend!!" The others all froze at him and stared, wide-eyed and jaws slack.

Lance probably shouldn't have revealed that, but he was on a roll now. He had so many fears and thoughts bottled up, and he was ready to blow.

"What about what I want?!" He demanded. Tears were brimming, but he blinked them away. "I want to go home! I want to see my family again! I want to have a purpose again! If the real Shiro came back and reclaimed the Black Lion, Keith would want Red, and then who would I get?! I won't take Blue from Allura, she's progressed much faster than most of us... So where would I fit in? I'd be useless..."

"Lance," Coran said, more serious than Lance had heard the Altean. "You don't have to fly a lion to be a part of this team."

"Coran is right, we are a family," Allura agreed. "Why didn't you tell us any of this?"

"I talked to Keith, but I didn't want to make everyone worry, not when we have other priorities," Lance countered. "And I know that the universe comes first, but there's someone I value more than the universe."

Lance whirled around and jogged out, he paused in the doorway. "And now, he's in trouble because I didn't stop Shiro, or whoever that was, when I had the chance."

The doors slid closed behind him. Moments later, the control panels lit up as the bay doors for the Red Lion opened, and the mechanical cat blasted away.

"Lance!" Allura called. "Where are you going?!"

"Sorry guys, but I have to find Keith, with or without your help!" The team watched as the Lion blasted away and disappeared.

"I guess Red chose Lance since he was becoming the Team Loner," Pidge noted in the silence as they adjusted their glasses.

Red sped past asteroids and planets, much faster than Blue ever could. Lance mentally scolded himself for thinking that.

He closed his eyes, focusing on his new bond with Red.

"Okay Red, I know you chose me, and I know you know we need Keith. You had a stronger bond with him than the other paladins, than I do with you now. You could find him then if he was in trouble..."

Lance's grip tightened on the joystick.

"I need you to find him now!" Lance yelled. "Keith is in trouble. Without him, we can't form Voltron! Please!" Lance sat in silence, the lion unresponsive. The anger slowly ebbed out of Lance's trembling limbs, and he slumped in his chair with a sigh in defeat.

"Please..." Lance whispered. "I love him..."

The panels and screens flashed on, the engines humming to life. "Red...?"

The lion let out an earsplitting roar before shooting off into space, completely out of Lance's control. Lance smiled and prepared himself for the firefight he knew would come.

"Don't worry Keith," he whispered. "I'm coming. Hang in there!"

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