Reveal the Control (Chapter 17)

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Hey guys, sorry it's been a while, but I'm hoping to have a few more parts, if not all of the story finished, by the end of this weekend, but that might be a stretch. Thank you for your patience, and hope you enjoy!


Everything around him was dark. No Galra, no Paladins, no Voltron, no nothing. It was quiet, peaceful.

Was he dead?

No, wait... he thought he heard something.

He did. A voice, no multiple voices, calling to him.

"Lance." Allura.

"Come on, Lance." Coran.

"Come on buddy, please, you have to make it." Hunk.

"You have to wake up Lance." Pidge.

"We need our Sharpshooter." Shiro.

"Lance..." Keith. "Lance, open those eyes, please. I have to see you again. I have to argue with you again, I have to talk with you again. I won't let you give up!"

They actually cared about him. All this time they thought about him. He actually meant something to the team—

Electricity crackled in the emptiness, Lance's unconscious body jerking in the cryopod. The Paladins saw it, and started calling out to him once more.

Their voices dwindled though, as if the darkness around him was absorbing all their voices.

Except for one.

"Come to me, my Blue Prince."

Yes Lotor—

Then Keith's yell broke through the darkness, followed by an erupting slam.

Lance's eyes jerked open, the Black Paladin's fist pressed against the glass of the cryopod. Webs of cracks spread from under his hand.

The capsule opened with a hiss, and Lance stumbled out, right into the Black Paladin's arms. They all smiled down at him, but he ignored them.

He only had one person, one job, on his mind: get back to Lotor with any Paladin or Lion he could.

Once Lance's had his bearings, he jerked away from the Paladins, sprinting towards the exit.

Keith cut him off, and saw his glaring yellow eyes. "Now Shiro!"

Lance was tackled to the floor, and it took Hunk, Shiro, and Keith to keep the thrashing Latino down.


"I have to get to him!" Lance howled. "Release me! I must go to Lotor!"

"What did he do to you?!" Keith demanded, taking Lance's face in his hands. "Tell me! I know the real Lance is in there!"

Lance squeezed his eyes shut, shaking his head out of Keith's hands with a grunt. When the eyes looked back up at Keith, the blue orbs shimmered with fear and pain.

"K—Keith?" Lance stammered. "H—Help me—"

His spine sparked and Lance cried out again before resuming his yellow-eyed writhing.

Keith sliced the top of his Galran uniform off, and they all spotted the Galra tech along his spine.

"Those bastards," Keith snarled. "I'm taking it off—!"

"Do that and you'll kill him," Pidge intercepted. They all stared at them and Allura, who had scanned through the cryopod data.

"What do you mean, Pidge?" Shiro prompted.

"It's wired into his nervous system in his spinal cord up into his brain," Allura explained.

"Try to forcefully remove it, and it will kill him," Pidge concluded. Keith slowly pulled away from it.

"We have to get it off him though..."

"We will," Allura added. "Give us some time to figure out a solution."

Keith looked down at the growling Latino. How much time did they have to spare?

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