Welcome to the Galra (Chapter 12)

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Hey guys! I'm back again, and I'm so happy that this story is rolling again. If you're wondering about the Pitch Perfect AU it's coming, I just haven't had a chance to sit down and watch it and transfer that into the fanfic, but I will hopefully this weekend. Anyway, hope you enjoy, please comment, and thanks for reading!


After hours of waiting, the work was finished. Lance's screams slowly quieted, and the teen slipped into unconsciousness on the table.

"He is complete," Haggar informed.

Lotor nodded. "Thank you, mother."

"I must ask, how did you procure the Paladin?"

"Well, let's say I had help kidnapping the new Black Paladin. Then the Red one here came to his rescue. Sickeningly noble, I might add."

"Your father will be pleased when he wakes," Haggar muttered as she turned to leave. "However, humans don't belong with the Galra." She turned, leaving Lotor alone with the sleeping teen.

"I've seen proof of its success," Lotor muttered back. Haggar hesitated before the door slid shut.

He stood at the table side, watching the teen's chest gently rise and fall.

He was so peaceful, this was actually the first time he had seen the teen without a fearful glare or tears dripping down his face. It was he first time the teen had ever been at ease around him.

Such beauty... Lotor thought to himself as he brushed some of the dark caramel hair out of the tan face. And he's all mine now.

Gently he turned the teen's head slightly, noticing the metal and purple Galran glow that ran down the human's spine.

It was small, so it wasn't obvious, but Haggar had explained how it was attached to Blue's nervous system. This would allow him and only him total control over the ex-Paladin.

Now was the moment of truth. Time to test the gadget.

"Blue," Lotor ordered. The gadget glowed slightly. "Wake up."

The teen's body tensed slightly before yellow eyes flashed open. The human looked at his new master expectantly.

Lotor loosened the table straps and lifted he teen bridal style. "Let's go get you a proper Galran uniform befitting a Prince."

"Yes, Lotor."

The two stepped out and headed further into the complex, further into the Galran rule, and farther away from any hope for rescue for Lance.

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