The Ultimatum (Chapter 14)

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Hey guys, sorry I missed a day or two, I've been completely swamped with school work, but anyway, here you go, hope you enjoy, love seeing comments, and thanks for reading!


Lotor and Lance took their positions in front of the control panel. Lance knew how to contact the Paladins.

Lotor knew what he would say to them. A fake ultimatum, that would result in a trap. It was really only a test, to see how the Paladins would react to the new Blue.

Lance typed a few codes into the system before the screen flashed on, showing the Paladins inside the castle.

"Allura, I'm tired of waiting," Keith snarled.

"Me too," Hunk whimpered.

"I'm going to look for h--" Keith started towards the door.

"Paladins," Lotor began. They all whirled around to the screen. Keith was at the control panel in an instant.

"Lotor," Allura spat back. "Where are you--"

"Where is he Lotor?!" Keith demanded, eyes blazing with pure fury and rage. Lance had never seen him like that before. "TELL ME NOW!"

"He's here." Lotor snapped his fingers, and Lance stepped into view, face low to hide his transformation from the others. He would reveal his new self when the time was right.

"G--Guys," Lance stammered. He sounded scared, and he managed to tremble at Lotor's touch, further selling the act.

"Blue is mine, now," Lotor smirked. Surrender the Lions and I might think about returning him--"

"That won't happen," Allura and Keith both barked.

So they weren't that worried for me... they were worried about forming Voltron.

"Well, if that's your answer, then there's no use for Blue to live," Lotor mused, snatching Lance and dragging him from the camera.

"Guys!" Lance cried, eyes squeezed shut before the feed cut off. The moment Lotor knew the Paladins were gone, he released Lance.

"Don't worry Blue," Lotor whispered. "I would never kill you. Now, the little green one can track the feed. We'd better get you into position."

"Yes, Lotor," Lance automatically replied, following the Emperor into the Galran complex once more.

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