Captured (Chapter 7)

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Hey guys! Man it's getting hard to update, but I'll do it for you!! Anyway, hope you enjoy, thanks for reading, and please comment!


Man, this general was strong, especially for a girl. Lance felt like his lungs were being crushed. He watched as the Red Lion snapped Keith in it's mouth and flew away.

But he had his own predicament to deal with. "Let go!!" He spotted his bayard, just inches from his flailing legs.

He used his toe to flip his weapon up into his hand, and blasted Zethrid away. Lance's feet hit the floor and he immediately sprinted out of the cell.

He heard the other generals closing in behind him, but surely there were escape pods or something like that, right? Right?!

Lance sprinted past a window, and froze when something caught his eye, and simultaneously broke his heart.

The Red Lion kept speeding away. He had hoped that Keith would've come back for him. He was the hotheaded and reckless leader. He should've wheeled Red back straight towards him.

Did Lance really mean so little to his boyfriend...?

Echoing footsteps snapped Lance back to reality. Lance quickly wiped a tear away, and continued sprinting on.

He barely looked up before something hard slammed into his head and sent him skidding across the floor. His helmet had taken the blunt of the attack, and rolled across the floor a few feet away.

Lance struggled to push himself to his knees.

Everything was blurry, and the ringing in his ears wouldn't subside. His limbs trembled as he struggled to breathe and right himself.

He wiped the blood from his nose before glaring up at the Galra prince before him.

"My my, quite aggressive aren't we?" Lotor sneered. Lance lunged for his bayard, his fingers wrapping around the handle before Lotor slammed his foot on Lance's wrist, forcing him to drop the bayard.

Lance couldn't stifle the whimper as Lotor knelt down to the teen. His foot still crushed Lance's wrist as he snatched Lance's face in his claws.

"A red bayard, but blue armor," Lotor mused. "You must be the new Red Paladin. Haggar never mentioned that you Paladins came in such a pleasing variety--"

Lance spat in his face, forcing the prince to release him. Lotor only laughed as he wiped his face.

"Fiery, hm? I think you still may be of use to the Galra after all," Lotor smirked as Zethrid hauled the Paladin to his feet.

Lance's face grew red, but he was too busy thrashing and growling to notice. Lotor did, and made a mental note of it for when he got to know the Paladin.

Zethrid tossed the human into a cell, and the human watched with petrified anger as the door slid closed.

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