Lance's Choice (Chapter 10)

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Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while! Anyway, I'm happy to say that the ideas are coming together on this one!!

*WARNING: serious Lance angst here*

Anyway, hope you enjoy, please comment, and thanks for reading!


Lotor was true to his word, to Lance's dismay. Lance sat on his knees in the center of the room.

He hardly even flinched when the door to his cell slid open. He didn't fight, there was no point anymore.

"Blue," Lotor observed. Lance was silent. "Get up."

Lance was silent still, but made no motion to obey.

"Get. Up."

Still no response.

"Oh well, I was going to take you to a hostage negotiation with Voltron," Lotor sighed. "But I guess you don't care..."

He paused when the droopy form of the Paladin trembled slightly. Tiny clear droplets hit the floor, but caramel hair hid his face. A tiny sound, the slightest huff of a laugh, escaped the teen.

"I don't care?" Lance breathed. "You're right, I don't care, because they don't care about me..."

Lotor couldn't help but smile. The Paladin was making his work easier for him. He was tearing himself apart.

He snatched the teen's arm, and hoisted him to his feet. Lance shuffled along, a little life returning to him as he glanced curiously amongst the corridors.

The generals weren't around. It was just Lotor.

Lance shivered and recoiled before Lotor shoved him into a dim room. He smacked into something, tripping into a chair.

Lotor quickly leaned on the armrests, blocking Lance's escape.

"Tell me Blue, do you miss Earth?"

Lance froze, blue eyes wide. Lotor smirked at the fearful response.

"More importantly, are you truly the weakest link in Voltron?"

Lotor smiled as a tear slid down the teen's cheek. "There's no need to hide it anymore. I know it, and the Voltron Paladins know it too. There's no need to force smiles here or joke around, or flirt to suppress your own insecurities--"

"STOP!" Lance screamed, slamming his feet on the floor. Tears streamed down his face, collecting in a little puddle on the floor.

The entire teen's body trembled, and Lance kept his gaze to the floor.

"Th--They need me to form Voltron..."

"When have the ever said they needed you?" Lotor countered. "You're useless and weak to them. Why do you think they never came back? If you died, they could easily replace you."

Lance's ragged breathing hitched at Lotor's last few words. That's why they never came back... Lance could practically feel his heart shattering.

That's why he and Keith fought for so long, why Allura always shrugged off his jokes. Hunk and Pidge were friends with him to keep Voltron together.

That's why Shiro always got onto him.

His eyes flashed open when he felt a different figure before him. The former Black Paladin, scowling down at him.

"S--Shiro...?" Lance stammered, unsure of what was real anymore.

Shiro's gaze darkened. "Weak. Pathetic. Useless."

"W--Wha...? No, I can be useful..."

"You're a disaster of a pilot," Shiro spat, turning away into the blinding light from the door.

"And you're no Paladin." With that, Shiro disappeared into the light.

"Shiro. Shiro! Please wait!" Lance cried, struggling to reach after his role model. Something kept him in his chair.

Lance gasped and trembled violently, almost curling into himself in the chair. He searched for anything inside him that would offer him a sliver of comfort. He found none.

"Blue," Lotor continued. "Why are you so distraught? You knew all of this--"

"Until know I could convince myself that I was exaggerating, that they wouldn't betray me, but the pieces fit too well together now for it to be a lie anymore," Lance whimpered quietly.

"True, they don't need you anyway," Lotor added. Lance cried even harder, until a hand gently lifted his chin up.

Blue orbs flashed open when he felt a gentle sensation on his lips. It was Lotor.

Lotor pulled away with a smirk. "Good, you stopped crying. The Paladins don't need you, but I do. Join me as my equal, and help me unite the universe, Prince Lance."

What was Lance getting himself into? Should I...? If Lotor unites the universe in a peaceful manner, the others will get to go home. Earth will be safe...

Would Lance become the universe's biggest traitor, or stay loyal and risk losing his life for those who didn't care about him?

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