Battle the Paladins (Chapter 15)

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Hey guys! It's going to probably be a few days before I update again. I didn't get as much for the Pitch Perfect AU done or for this as I had hoped to accomplish this weekend. Still, thanks for your patience. Hope you enjoy, please comment, and thanks for reading!


Lotor watched from his hidden observation room. Lance strolled through the hangar below.

Judging from where the Paladins had entered they would reach this hangar within a few ticks, according to Lotor's calculations. This was the big reveal.

There was no way Lance could hold off all of the Paladins, despite the rifle on his back and pistols at his hips, but Lotor had accounted for this too. Lance glanced up, making sure that the generals were in position and hidden in the rafters.

Everyone was in position. The show was ready to start.

As if on cue, a pair of doors imploded, and the hybrid led the charge. They regrouped in the hangar, and Lance began the act.


One hand wrapped tightly around his midsection, the other clinging to his head, blocking his eyes as he stumbled forward. When he was close enough, he fell to the ground.

The Black Paladin ran and slid next to him.

"Lance? Lance! Come on, we're getting you out of here," Keith muttered as he started pulling Lance up.

Lance didn't budge, but trembled more. "D--Do you love me, Keith? Does Voltron really need me?"

"What?" The Black Paladin countered. "Y--Yeah, of course we do. Now come on, let's go."

"No guards..." Pidge whispered to themselves.

"He's right," Lance muttered. "You guys used me..."


He got to his feet, hand resting on his hip. "You should join him Keith," Lance chuckled. "Lotor might reconsider his offer to you. Just surrender Voltron, you can form without me anyway."

"Lance, what are--"

Lance's eyes flashed open, a crazy grin on his face. He slipped out his pistol and pointed it directly at his former team.


He pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the Paladins snapped out of their surprise just in time to narrowly avoid the blast. The generals leapt down around Lance, taking position.

"The Black Paladin's mine," Lance muttered. "Go!"

The Paladins and Galra split and charged. Ezor and Naarti tag teamed Hunk and Pidge. Allura struggled against Zethrid and Acxa held back enough to keep both fights engaged.

Lance had Keith all to his own.

The two locked eyes, Keith's violet eyes so confused and hurt. Lance only smirked at the swirling sea of emotion in Keith's eyes.

The Red Paladin suddenly lunged, knocking Keith to the floor. With a single movement, he jerked off their cracked helmets. His left hand latched around the pale teen's throat, the other pulled out a pistol and pressed it under the Black Paladin's chin.

"What are you going to do? If you're going to kill me Lance, do it!"

"Now why would I kill the one I love, hmm?"

Keith's eyes widened in slight surprise before his glare returned. "Then what do you want?"

"To open your eyes Keith," Lance cooed. "Just as the Galra have done to me." He mashed his lips against Keith's, smirking in the affection when the Black Paladin tensed and gasped underneath him.

Lance could feel Lotor's anger in the back of his mind, but that didn't matter. He had Keith again, and he wouldn't let him go.

"Lance!" Keith gasped, not knowing what Lotor did to him--

Lotor! That bastard! I'll make him pay for hurting Lance!

Keith knocked Lance off of him. "Sorry Lance, but it's for your own good!" Then he sprinted towards the observatory where Lotor watched his generals winning the battle below. He locked eyes with the Black Paladin, before summoning more sentries to force the Paladins to retreat.

The Black Paladin was blasted back into the other Paladins. "Keith, we have to go," Allura cried.

"Not without Lance!" Keith shouted. "I can't lose him, not again!"

"If we don't go you'll lose us too!" Allura snapped. Keith froze; that struck his core. He was supposed to be the leader. He was in charge of everyone, and now one of his members was helping the enemy, and his other teammates were about to be captured...

He couldn't let this happen again.

"Go," Keith muttered, before breaking everyone away from the generals. "Go! Retreat!"

Lance watched his former team go as the generals regrouped, and he something glitter in the air as Keith turned and sprinted away. An identical glitter slid down Lance's cheek. He quickly wiped the tear away before they returned to Lotor.

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