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When Matt woke up, Edd was still snuggling in his arms, asleep. Carefully, Matt got up, trying not to wake Edd. He put on a shirt and a pair of pants before exiting the room, looking back at the cute sleeping boy. He was planning on getting a cup of water and going back to Edd's room.
As soon as he got to the kitchen, he was immediately confronted.
"Hey Matt~"
He turned around to meet face-to-face with Tord. "Uh... hi?"
"Where's Edd?" He asked, leaning on the wall.
"He's... asleep right now," he answered. "Why do you ask...?"
He slighly grinned. "I know what you two did," he said quietly.
Matt slightly blushed and went wordless. "W-wh--"
"Don't try to deny it. I've watched enough hent--" Tord coughed slighly, then slightly changed the topic. "So... how far did you guys go?" he wiggled is eyebrows. "Is Edd... pregnant? Since he's an omega and all."
"W-well... possibly?" Matt blushed and semi-turned away. "Why are you questioning me anyways?"
"Just curious."
"... why?"
Tord tried to hide the sligh blush on his face. "N-no reason."
Just as they were about to walk away from each other, Tom appeared, holding a bottle of Smirnoff. He looked between the two for a second before asking, "What's happening here?"
"Um... uh... nothing!" Matt quickly said.
"Matt impregnated Edd."
Tom took a sip of his Smirnoff. "Is this true?"
"I came here to get some water. Not to be questioned," Matt replied with a red face. "Heck you guys," he said before walking away.
As soon as Matt entered the hallway, he encountered a sleepy Edd dressed in Matt's hoodie, which went way past his fingertips and shorts.
If he was even wearing any. But anyways, Matt saw Edd as super cute. Edd slightly rubbed his eyes.
"You seemed like you were stressed. What's wrong?" Edd asked.
"Oh... um... everybody in the house kinda knows that... you may be pregnant...?"
"Heck 'em. Heck 'em to heck," Edd replied softly, then grabbed Matt's hand. "Come back. I'm still tired." Edd basically pulled Matt back into bed.
After a few weeks, Edd had the instinct to collect all of the pillows and blankets and such, and to bring them to his room. He'd have dozens of them just sitting on his bed, usually Edd in the middle of all of it, sleeping.
Matt knew what Edd was doing: nesting. Eventually it was obvious Edd would have a child in a 9 months. Matt pressured him into taking a pregnancy test.
It came back positive.
This made Matt anxious, very anxious, but he tried his best to hide it, since Edd seemed very excited. So Matt just went with the flow.
Multiple times a day, nearly every day, the others would go into Edd's room and steal back all their stuff, telling him to "calm his gay man tits." So eventually, Edd just snuck into Matt's room and taking his stuff only. Matt was at the store frequently, buying stuff to satisfy his needs, such as a million stuffed animals. Or Matt would just hand him his own sweater.
Matt couldn't handle Edd's cuteness, so when they were around each other, they were mostly just cuddling in a soft place. Edd felt protected when Matt was with him.
Matt was out, Edd asked him to buy a lot of Chinese food. Edd layed asleep, waiting for him.
As soon as he heard his door open, he immediately perked up. But it was only Tord. Nothing special, really.
"Oh, hey," Edd said, sitting up. "What's up?"
"Well... I've been kinda... upset over something."
"Oh? What's wrong?"
Tord acted nervous. W-well, you see..." he began saying as he approached Edd, "I never knew you were an omega."
Edd was confused. "What is this about?"
"I always liked you Edd. But the thing is, alphas rarely date betas or other alphas. But since now I know you're omega..."
Tord grabbed Edd's hands, he tried to pull out of his grip. "W-wait. What about Matt?"
"What about him?"
"H-he'd get upset if he learned you... touched... me."
"Well, he's not here right now, so there's no need for him to know."
"Tord stop," Edd turned away. But Tord pulled him back.
"I don't feel like it," he whispered in Edd's ear.
Edd tried pushing him off, but Tord was stronger. He began kissing the boy's neck, sending shivers through Edd. Tord pushed Edd down on the bed, still kissing, showing domination over the omega. He began trailing his hand beneath Matt's hoodie.
"T-tord. S-stop," Edd begged.
But he didn't. Instead he got a grip on Edd's jeans, ready to pull them down at any time.
"It's not like you can get pregnant twice, right?" Tord purred into his ear.
Edd took a deep breath. "TOM!!" he yelled out, louder than needed, but still effective. Tord just stayed in spot, frozed.
Soon enough, the door opened. Tom gripped Tord's red hoodie, pulling him off of Edd and throwing him to the wall. Tom, seeming emotionless and monochromatic like always, pulled Tord off the floor and made him face to face with him. Tom was taller, so the other boy's feet were dangling beneath him.
"Tord, what the heck were you thinking. Are you in rut? You know better than to act like this. You're gonna get yourself in a lot of trouble someday."
Edd saw a car pull up in the driveway, then the front door open.
"Matt's home, Tord," Tom continued. "You're gonna face him for messing with his omega."
"W-wait-- Tom-- he'll kill me!"
"Should've thought of that before you decided to molest Edd."
"He did what?" A voice came from the threshold of Edd's room.
Tom let Tord fall to the ground. "I ain't helping you win this fight," Tom said before walking away. "Come to me if you need bandages."
"W-wait! Thomas!" Tord yelled, before coming face to face with Matt, the vampire. "Faen..." he whispered to himself before getting up. Tord tried running past Matt, but he didn't let him go through. Matt's eyes glowed red as he caught the red hoddied boy.
"O-ok, look Matt, I'm sorry--"
Matt slapped Tord across the face, leaving a mark matching his hoodie. "Don't mess with Edd," Matt growled. "Didn't I tell you the first time I brought him home knowing he was an omega? He's MINE."
"A-alright! L-let me go please--"
Matt didn't even acknowledge Tord's words.
It seemed as if everyone forgot about Edd, not even Matt knew he was sitting there, crying, softly pleading for them to stop. Matt hated what Tord did--tried to do. Tord didn't really try to fight back at first, he seemed too panicked to do anything. But eventually he did.
Edd quietly snuck out of the room. He saw Tom sitting on the couch, who immediately noticed the crying boy. He got up quickly and rushed over to Edd.
"Edd? What's wrong?"
Edd sniffled. "They won't listen to me... they don't even know I'm talking..."
"What do you mean?"
"They keep fighting... I don't want any of them to get hurt. And Matt seems like he'd kill Tord..."
"You want me to stop them?"
"... yes please."
Edd grabbed Tom's hand ((nOt in a romantic wAy)) as they walked back to his room.
"Alright Tord, ya little shit," Tom yelled, "Edd wants you to stop fighing, so we're sparing your life... this time." Tom pushed both the alphas away from one another, getting right in the middle. Tord seemed battered and bruised, but Matt still felt like he wanted to continue fighing.
But once he looked over to the cowering Edd, it broke his heart and he calmed down once again.
"Tord, did you apologize to Matt yet?" Tom asked.
"And Edd?"
"Do it."
"Come on, haven't I been punished enough?" The small boy asked. Matt glared at him. "FiNe! I'm sorry Edd," he said reluctantly said.
Tom took Tord by his hair and dragged him out.
Edd listened to the conversation the two had.
"Seriously though Tord. You were in rut, right?"
"Well that isn't an excuse to force yourself on somebody else. If you need someone come to me."
"And what will you do?"
"W-w-well-- I guess... I could maybe get you some pills... or something."
"Tom you're blushing."
"And you're stuttering."
"N-no I'm not!"
"Ok, I'm gonna be blunt. I am not gonna date you."
"... why not?"
"You're a beta. I don't date betas."
"W-what if I said I was lying. Like Edd."
"One, I wouldn't believe you. Two, theres still things in the way."
"... like...?"
"You're taller than me."
"If I'm going to be in a relationship, I'm gonna be the dominant one."
"What does hight even do with anything?"
"Stereotypes. Also, your personality is not submissive enough. You're always bossing me around."
"You keep getting in trouble. Who's gonna keep you out of it?"
"Aw come on Tord. You're still in rut."
"I'm not gonna fuck you."
"Come on? Please?"
"Just this once?"
The rest Edd couldn't hear as they got farther away from him.

You're a What? (Omega! Edd x Matt)Where stories live. Discover now