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Here. Take this fluff.

"...Edd, I'm also sorry," Matt said. "I... I didn't mean to make you cry..."
Edd looked over to Matt, his eyes full of lament. "No, no it's ok, Matt," Edd quickly said, sitting down on his bed, Matt joining.
"But... I hope you understand if I don't let Tord near you."
"Matt, we live together. We all do. We're gonna have to interact one way or another."
"I know... But what if he tries doing that again? I can't let that happen."
"I don't think it will. Tom will have him under control."
It was quiet for a little bit, but when Matt said something, Edd barely heard him.
"What did you say Matt?"
Matt blushed and looked away. "I-um..."
"What's wrong?"
"W-what if we... like, move out... maybe?" Matt nervously suggested. "Like, since you're gonna have a child and it's gonna need space to grow, right?"
"And the Tord thing, right?" Edd joked.
Matt slightly laughed. "Yeah..."
"So, where do we go?"
"W-wait-- so you mean you'll do it?"
"Yeah, I guess. Sounds like a good idea. Well, we should find ome around this neighborhood, I think. Tom was one of my first friends, and he could help at times."
"Y-yeah. Agreed." Matt's eyes began darting away. Edd leaned over and took his face in his hands. He pulled his face closer so he could kiss Matt's forhead.
"I'm looking forward to it," Edd said. As he let him go, he swore he saw the sparkling galaxy in Matt's eyes.
Tom was ok with them deciding to move out. Tord, not so much.
"Edd! You're my only friend here!" he complained.
"You have Tom," Edd replied.
Tord looked over to Tom. "I hate him."
"Oh come on. You guys get along all the time."
"So? I almost killed him out of hate one time--"
"Havent you tried to kill all of us before?"
"Well... yes... but thats not the point!... I've just learned to tolerate Jehovah's witness over there."
"You'll get along just fine."
"I don't want to live alone with him," Tord whined.
Edd looked over to Tom. "Help."
"I'll let you watch your hentai whenever you want without judging you if you let them move out," Tom said, not looking up from the Tv, sitting on the couch.
Tord glared at every one of them. "No response," he said before leaving and sitting on the couch with Tom.
Tom glanced over to Edd and Matt. "Do you need help finding a house? And I've got some spare money if you need some."
Matt shrugged. "I probably got enough for renting a home for a while, once... the child comes... we'll buy it."
"Are you bringing Ringo with you?" Tord suddenly asked.
"Well, yeah, he is my cat."
"Aw, but I like him." Tord reached over and grabbed the unsuspecting cat. He hugged him, the cat wanting to have nothing with this. Tom leaned over and freed the cat from Tord's death grasp. "I h8 u m8," Tord whispered over to Tom.
Tom leaned over and kissed Tord's cheek. "I hate you too."
Tord just stared over at Tom. "What the fuck Tom," was his response.
But Tom was immediately back to helping the omega and the vampire with finding a house.
It took a bit to find one, but to their luck a house just across the block was open.
"Edd! You can't leave me here! I'll run away and live in a box!"
"You have fun with that," Matt responded. "We've already found a house and everything."
Tord loudly whined.
"Tord stop acting like a child," Tom said.
"But I am a child."
"You're over 18."
"I'm 20."
"But I am the youngest one here."
Tom threw a pillow cushion at Tord's face. "Accept it you little brat."
"Does nobody remember that one time I saved Edd's life? Show me some re--"
"I'll remember that next time you're being beat up by a gang for no reason, T o m."
"Alright Tord. You do that."
Edd chuckled at them. They'll get along just fine, he thought. "So Matt, when do we move?"
"According to this, the soonest is in a month."
Edd slightly smiled. "Perfect," he said. He hugged Matt from the back, nuzzling just below his shoulders. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and just stayed there.
"Yeah?" He replied, muffled.
"Um... n-never mind..." Matt said. A few moments passed. "A-actually..."
Matt turned around and scooped up Edd. Edd pressed his face into the vampire's chest as he carried him somewhere. He didn't know where until he felt himself being placed on a bed.
Matt's, he immediately noticed. He curled up in a ball, suddenly becoming a soft bean. He brought the covers up to his face.
"Do you want me to cuddle you or work on getting the house?" Matt asked, even though he knew the answer.
"Cuddles," was Edd's simple response.
So Matt climbed into bed, wrapping his arms around the small boy. Edd intertwined their legs as he faced Matt.
He immediately drifted off to sleep.
Edd's dream was unusual. The enviroment around him was terrifying and gloomy. There was nothing: a barren, grey, grassless place. The sun was blocked out by millions of dark storm clouds. Edd was sitting on the cold ground, shivering.
Then he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned around to see a tall figure. He looked nonchalantly at it. The figure--it was glowing, giving off a golden color. It smiled, and extended a hand to the grey Edd.
Edd took it, and watched as his hand as he touched his turn colorful, too. He lifted himself up and stared. The figure smiled, Edd noticed as it touched things, it gained color too.
The figure grabbed Edd's face, and brought it toward's their own. It kissed his forhead. As Edd pulled back, he saw as his whole body gained color.
"...Matt?" were the words that escaped Edd's lips.
The figure nodded and his smile became contagious. Edd smiled too.
As Edd took Matt's golden hands, he stared at awe at the surroundings. The clouds cleared, the sky bright blue and the sun a pale yellow. The ground became a rich brown color.
Matt got an idea, and did something Edd didn't expect.
Still holding Edd's hands, he began to dance, even without music. The ground grew grass and flowers after every touch of their feet. Trees grew and then a blue river. They focused on each other, feeling pure bliss.
Matt took Edd and twirled him around, ending the dance.
"I love you..."

You're a What? (Omega! Edd x Matt)Where stories live. Discover now