uhmmm heres a new chapter i guess

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A/N I'm working on this thing again!!!!! Expect more soon. :00000

Edd rolled over and groaned. He picked up his phone and panicked for a second when he saw the date.

"MATT!!" Edd yelled. Matt was already up and trying to make poptarts in the oven.

"Yeah?" Was the simple reply.

Edd got up quickly and nearly ran to Matt. "Do you know what day it is?"


Edd looked over to the clock. It read 7:30am. Edd grabbed Matt's shoulder. "Where's Nicola?"

"Probably in her room. I think she's still sleeping."

Edd immediately went to her door. He tried opening it, but it was locked.

"Edd, why are you so worked up?"

"It's Nicola's first day of preschool! That is, if we can get her there in less than 30 minutes!"

Edd banged on the door.

"Nicola, open up your door!"

It was quiet for a moment, before a small voice from inside yelled, "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnNo."

Edd kept trying at the door. "Please?"

"No, I'm busy."

Edd turned to Matt. "Get me a pin so I can pick this door open," he said, and went back to the door. "Busy doing what?"


Edd became confused. "Eating what, exactly?"

"Chocolate! I found a whole think of it under your bed while you were asleeping."

"THATS MINE!" Edd began crying. "Please open the door!"


Edd heard candy wrappers crinkling.

"I'll... buy you more chocolate later, but only if you're a good girl, Nicola!"

"Nah, I'm fine with what I have."

Edd groaned and gave up, just as Matt came back with a bobby pin in his hand. Handing it towards Edd, he immediately went onto picking the lock. He planned to, later, change the doorknob. Possibly while Nicola was sleeping or at Tom's house or at school or something. Details didn't matter right now.

Edd fling the door open in triumph. Nicola screamed as she saw his dad come into the room. And there the small child was, in a pile of Receese cups, Snicker bars, Twix and other types of chocolate wrappers surrounding her. And her face was covered in chocolate.

Edd cried out in defeat as he felt Matt rub circles on his husband's back.

"It's gonna be okay Edd. We can always buy more..." Matt said behind him.

Edd accusingly pointed towards Nicola. "YOU!" he said, and Nicola playfully giggled as she tried to get away. But she wasn't fast enough, Edd grabbed and held her. "I'm gonna have to bathe you, dress you, get you ready and in the car in 30 minutes. School starts at 8:15."

"I don't wanna go," Nicola whined.

"Why not? There's playing, arts and crafts, and you'll make new friends!"

"I don't wanna make new friends. I don't wanna do girly crafty stuff. I wanna go hunting with Tom."

"You're too young for that, Nicola. But I'll make sure Tommy picks you up from school, alright?"

"Fine! But only if Tom brings me home. And not you."

Edd felt betrayed, but he put on a smile.

"Let's get you bathed."

It took longer than expected cleaning Nicola of her sins (chocolate thief) and picking out clothes. She took a blue denim dress with animals printed on them, along with long white socks and brown dress shoes.

"I thought you said you didn't want to be 'girly'," Edd said.

"Shut up, I wear what I want," Nicola said, putting on her socks.

"Who taught you to talk like that?"

"You did," Nicola said sassily, "You faggot."

"NICOLA!! You can't say stuff like that!!"

"I hear you and pa say it all the time."

"Doesn't mean you can say it."

"Why not?"

"Because it's mean. Tom never says stuff like that, does he?"

"So then you're mean, and Tom's not!" Nicola said, putting on her last shoe. "No wonder I like him so much."

"Nicola, you're going to make me cry."

"Then do it."

Haha Nicola is going to school 

there's gonna be a pLot twist next chaPter thOugH >;)))

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