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Tom went over Edd's house. It became something he did every day, checking on the two new fathers. As soon as Tom entered the home with a key Edd gave him, Edd immediately confronted Tom, holding his daughter, showing her to him.

"Tom, I think there's something wrong with Nicola," Edd said bluntly.

"What's wrong?"

"Ok, so like, before I gave birth, I was on the internet a lot. I was looking up what it would be like to care for a child. And like... this is nothing I've read before..."

"Get to the point Edd."

"She's so quiet. She doesn't cry that often, she sleeps perfectly... Sometimes I forget she's even there."

Tom just laughed at Edd.

"This is not a laughing matter Tom! She only cries if she's hungry, and thats not that often either."

"Edd, she's just a quiet child. Nothing's wrong with her."


"She's fine, Edd.

"...Alright. If you say so."


"Matt?! Matt!?" Edd yelled, panicking. Matt was chilling on the couch, watching Professor Why. Matt nonchalantly looked up. He was tired.

"What is it?" Matt asked, his expression unmoving, very unlike Edd.

"I lost Nicola."

Matt sat there. After a few seconds, Matt responded. "... What?"

"I lost her. She was sleeping so I went to my room to grab a book. When I came back I couldn't find here. I've looked all around my room--"

"Edd, calm down."


Matt stood up. "It's gonna be ok. I'm near the door, I didn't see her come this way. And the windows are too high for her to reach and too heavy for her to open anyways."

This calmed Edd down, but only slightly.

"So, Nicola is most likely in her or our room."

Matt began re-searching his daughter's room, when Edd realized something. Edd started looking around the bathroom. He heard a noise in one of the cabinets.

He came face to face with a bat. Edd, in instinct, he screamed and fell to the ground. Matt came running to investigate.

Matt sighed. "Edd, that's our child you just screamed at," he said. Matt reached up and took the bat from her hiding space.

"B-but... why the fuck is she a bat??" Edd said, still in shock.

Edd watched as the bat transformed into her former two year old self. Matt continued holding her.

"Fuck!" Nicola repeated from Edd.

Edd didn't make a move. He stayed laying on the ground, staring up at his child.

"Well okay then," Edd said.

Matt sighed again. "She's a vampire. Some vampire can do that," he said, responding to Edd's previous question.

"Can you?" Edd asked Matt.

Matt shrugged. "Maybe."

"You know, you're very unresponsive today," Edd began to say.

Matt didn't say anything.

"Matt. Go sleep or something. You need it."

"So do you, Edd."

"I know."

"We can't both be sleeping, can we? No. So I'll stay up."

"Tom!" Nicola said, trying to be part of the conversation. "Call Tom!"

Tom became Nicola's favorite person; well, besides her parents. Tom was always so calm and caring.

So thats what they did. They tiredly called Tom's home phone and asked him if he could watch over her for a while. Tom immediately agreed. He was at Edd's house in a flash.

Tom picked up the toddler, when a thought came to his mind.

"Will I be bringing her home with me this time?" Tom asked.

"If you can, I'd wish if you could," Edd responded.

"What about Tord?"

"Who's Tord?" Nicola asked.

"Ah, fuck it," Matt responded.

"Fuck!" Nicola yelled out.

Tom looked at the swearing child, then back at the tired parents.

"Just... limit exposure or something. I don't care."

"Alright. When should I come back?"


"Alright. Nicola, you're going to be with me the whole day!"

"All day?"

"Yup! Say bye-bye!"

"Bye Daddy, bye Pap!"

And with that, Tom left with a very excited child in his arms.


Tom set Nicola on the floor with building blocks. She was making a tower.

"I'm Princess Nicola!" she shouted out in her slurred child language. "You're the dragon!"

Tom sat on the floor in front of her. "Rawr!" Tom responded.

"I shall destroy you!" Nicola threw a red block at Tom's face.

"Ow... that...actually hurt." Tom rubbed the spot Nicola hit, right beneath his eye.

"S-sorry!!" Nicola frantically said.

Tom laughed. "It's okay."

Suddenly, Tom heard the front door open and slam shut, and someone mumbling Norwegian under their breath.

Oh no... Tord's home already? I though he'd be gone a while longer... Tom thought.

The short, angry Norwegian came bursting into the living room. He took one look at Nicola, a cigar between his fingers, and said, "Who the fuck is that?"

Tom sighed. "Please, everyone, stop swearing in front of the child," he said, half to himself.

"That doesn't answer my question, Tom."

"This is Nicola."

Tord's expression calmed... in a way. "Nicola, huh? Edd and Matt's child?" Tord approached her. "I haven't seen you since you were a baby... My name's Tord." He extended a hand, bending down at the waist.

"You're weird," she said bluntly.


"You speak funny."

Tord didn't know how to respond to that. He just decided to ignore her, and turned his focus back on Tom.

"So... why do we have her in my house?"

"Tord, this is not your house only. It was Edd's before he moved out. Oh, and Matt told me to 'limit exposure' to you."

"What does that mean?"

"It means: go away."

"You're so mean," Tord mumbled as he left.

You're a What? (Omega! Edd x Matt)Where stories live. Discover now