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Tom specifically told Nicola to stay put. He was going to go get her a snack from the kitchen, where Tom could still easily check in on her. But when Tom came back with a few Oreos and a juice box, Nicola wasn't sitting down playing blocks.

Right then, he heard a scream coming from Tord's room. "TOM!! GET HER OFF OF ME!!!!" Tom heard.

When Tom got to his room, he was shocked at what he saw. Tord was holding his left arm, it being all bloodied. He saw bite marks.

Nicola was standing innocently to the side. But she didn't look so innocent. Her face was covered with red.

"N-nicola! Did you bite him?" Tom asked, incredulous.

"Hell yeah she did. Agh, it burns, goddamnit," Tord responded. "I think I'll need stitches..."

Tom approached Nicola. As soon as he reached to pick her up, she leaned in to bite him. Tom recoiled quick enough.

"Get her out of this house," Tord hissed at Tom.

"Matt and Edd asked me to watch her all day."

"Just tell them that you wont watch her anymore!"

"I can't! I promised them."

"I swear to god... Just... get her out of my room for now. And don't let her near me."


Tom had to coax Nicola out of Tord's room. She didn't want to leave, and every time Tom or Tord came close she'd try to bite them. And Tom didn't have the heart to yell at the two year old.

Thankfully, Tord did.


Tom had to keep a keen eye out for Nicola. He tried not to let her out of his sight, because when he did, Nicola went on trying to bite something. Including herself.

It broke his heart when he had to yell at her to stop. He nicely asked her too many times, and she never listened. So when she started crying, he couldn't bear to punish her.

But he never once bothered her dads.

Besides the biting incident, the day was relatively normal. Nicola ate dinner, fell asleep on the couch watching Tv, and woke up hungry the next morning. Tom made pancakes and bacon for her. Tom didn't really know when to bring Nicola back to her parents, but Nicola kept nagging at Tom to bring her back home.

She missed her parents.

When Tom brought Nicola back, she had no problem with waking the sleeping parents up. They seemingly slept all day. Nicola immediately went to their room and started yelling at them to wake up. Tom stood nervously in the doorway of their bedroom.

Edd groaned and turned over to face his child.

"Daddy!" Nicola yelled.

"Yes, sweet pea?" he responded.

"I'm back!"

"Yes, I see."

Edd sat up and brought Nicola up on the bed. She went over to the still-sleeping Matt and plopped right onto him.


Matt didn't move.

"Wake! Up!" The toddler yelled. Tom snickered slightly. Nicola kept shaking him. At this point, it was obvious Matt was awake; he tried to contain his laughs.

Tom watched as the happy family cuddled and played. As soon as they calmed down, Tom stepped in.

"Uh, I have some... bad news...? I guess...?" Tom said to the parents, rubbing the back of his neck.

Matt immediately perked up, and Edd pulled Nicola onto his lap.

"Nicola had been like... trying to bite things...? Like, everything she finds."

"Thats just vampire instinct," Matt said. "It's normal."

"She bit Tord, too. He's probably going to get stitches."

Matt turned to Nicola, and without a trace of sarcasm, he said, "Good job! You learned how to bite the demon!"

Matt went to ruffle Nicola's hair. "Don't encourage that!" Edd said.

"Tord IS an asshole. Probably deserved it."

Tom picked up a nearby item and threw it at Matt's head. "STOP. SWEARING. IN. FRONT. OF. THE. SMALL. CHILD." He said.

"Sorry..." Matt replied meekly.

Tom combed his hair back slightly. "Have you been swearing like this the whole time since you guys had her??"

"Kinda..." his response was.

"Well... s-stop!"

Tom sighed.

"Anyways, just, keep an eye out on that child. You'll never know what trouble she may get into..."

Tom began to leave. "Bye Nicola," he said.

"Bye Tom!"

You're a What? (Omega! Edd x Matt)Where stories live. Discover now