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The hot water felt really great and relaxing. As hit my body , I wanted to stay there , but my mother started to call my name again

" Liliana , are you finish yet " yelled my mother.

"Yes, I said as I turn off the water and step off the shower.I grab my towel and wrap it around me and headed back into my room.

I already had my outfit pick , so all I needed is to blow dry my hair .

I dried myself quickly and put on my red shirt and almost ripped pants

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I dried myself quickly and put on my red shirt and almost ripped pants.

After I finish , I almost ran downstairs. Here in the middle of desert , far away from the city. The quant little town was quite beautiful, charming and peaceful. Mothers unload groceries and the neighbor chatted away. Some washing cars and kids played in the streets.

I stood at the doorway of the house as I watched my brother Charley struggle with his motorbike. When they bike started good he got on it, but when he got on it failed again.

Charley then again started to push his bike.

"Really , Really "I'm going to take you apart . You watch me. Watch me take you apart. You're done. You're done" He complained to the bike. I and I just giggle just watching , him struggle with the motorbike.

Charley, 17 year old male who has the slightly awkward feel of someone who just recently came into his body. Ever since he had a sudden surge in popularity he's been acting like a dick.

Doris a neighbor watched him talking with the bike and paused as he hauled the trash bin to the curb.

Doris a neighbor watched him talking with the bike and paused as he hauled the trash bin to the curb

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"Talking to your bike again?" said Doris

"Hey Doris " said Charley.

"Nothing doing , huh?" She nodded to the bike , amused.

"The thing got no ambition " He said calmly before noticing the trash bin. "Doris , do you want some help with that ?"

"I got it. Thanks. Good to see Char Char, you're getting big " She replied before waking away.

 Good to see Char Char, you're getting big " She replied before waking away

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My brother stared at the the word "LUCKY" written across her butt. I rolled my eyes and scoffed.

Walking over to the car I saw lots of "FOR SALE" signs and picked at the wood of one of them with my nails as I waited for my brother to come over.

" Don't leer at the neighbours " My mother , Jane who was in her 40's stood next to her own bin as she spoke to her son. He and mom have had an affectionate , teasing relationship which was only recently started to have more edge.

"She's the one who put a word on her butt, I'm just reading it" Mom scoffed at what Charley had said , before walking over to her car that I was leeaning on. On her way over she eyed the large dumpster , that was full of concrete. That stood infront of our new neighbours yard.

"Is he ever going to move that dumpster ?" She asked

"Come on mom you need to get over it"

"Yeah , he probably to busy to move it, but I"m sure he'll move it soon" I chirped in , despite the feeling that something was wrong, like someone was watching me"

"Attitude , You"ve been stressed or something Amy?" She asked him , whilst ignoring me.

"Amy's good. Hasn't dumped me " He said , as my mom nodded.

"Yet" I added, which made mom look at me.

"Be nice Liliana, she scolded me before turning to Charley " Getting what you want is stressful. Especially when you're not used to it. More to lose.

"Are you reading those books again?"The Power of Whatever the Hell?Cause they're not working...and neither is this bike" He said giving up on it.

"She"s has point though , even if you don't want to see it , and that bike was fated to not work, let's face it" I added.

He looked at me and nodded slightly before he noticed mom staring at the dumpster again.

"You' re still flipping out over s a big box?"

"It's an eyesore. I"m trying to convince people to move in , not the legions leaving town. Can I get some help?" she asked as she was putting more signs into her car. I then started to help my mom with the signs.

"You know , when the perry's lived there"said my mom , yet again talking about the Perry's.

"When the Perry's lived there , they were the greatest neighbours ever. But they moved. I thought you were happy , when the house was finally sold",Charley said as he join in and help us with the signs.

"He's not digging a pool. Where do you think all that concrete came for?"She asked again staring at the dumpster .

"Maybe he has some problems within the house , I said.

"Your probably right Liliana, said Mom

"Or you could ask him if you see him or spy on him"

"Liliana , I"m not spying on him "

" Ok, mom its your lost " i said . Then she gave this looked like I was in trouble.Great i said to myself. As i went back to the house to grab my bag.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Amy pull up in her car, with two of her friends." Hi , Mrs, Brewster she called. Amy, 16 the same age as me is a stunner . And very popular among the high school me and charley went to. Every guy wanted to date her , but Charley got very lucky to have her.

"Hi, honey. Hi girls" Mom replied , stopping what she was doing to talk. Charley moved towards the vehicle as mom just remembered something and called after. "Oh -hey Ed called again "

"I'm tired of making excuses, Charley . If you don't want to talk to him , would you please tell him ?"

"Kind of defeats the purpose " He said before going over to the car.

I just ignored them and went to where my moms car's was and got in my White 1997 Honda as I was coming out my mom called to me.

"Hon, why did you just ignored Amy like that ?"mom asked.

"Mom , you already know what I think, so please don't make me get along with her , ok"

"Ok Lily" she turn and went back to the signs and I drove off to school.

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