Bloody Screams At Night

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Once Liliana left , Charley entered and saw Amy ,on his bed.

" Hey" said Charley

" Where have you been ? You told me to meet you here an hour ago. Hello ? Hey are you all right? Are you all right? Everything good?"

" Yep, I'm just worried about my sister, that's it. She's out there all alone"

" Well , she a big girl , she knows how take care of herself" said Amy in annoyed tone.

Then she changed the subject.

"Did you ever read this ?"said Amy , as she looked through the book she had in her hands.

" No"

"Its really good. Its kind of sexy , actually in like a frustrated , unconsummated sort of way." said Amy

" Like us , you mean " said Chalrey still being distracted.

" Mmm- hmmm, kind of makes it hotter. Am I boring you?" Asked Amy.

" No, I'm just tired. Sorry" replied Charley.

"Okay. That's all right. We can fix that. Do you want to get under the covers?" said Amy , as she was unbuttoning her shirt.

" Right now , Really?"

" Yeah , Why not? We could just give it a go " said Amy.

" Really believe me , there is nothing. I would rather be doing right now then getting under the covers with you, said Charley.

" Okay" smiled Amy." Charley don't be nervous. Its okay" said Amy .

" I'm not nervous , I'm cool. I'm good."

Amy then started to unbutton more and brought Charley closer to her and then they started to make out. Hey was about to lay Amy down . But something distracted him.

"Did you hear that ?" Charley asked Amy .

Doris : Sorry I'm late. Is what Charley could hear.

" Doris. Oh shit. Shit" said Charley in a
panic tone.

"What? He's hot , your neighbor's a stripper

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"What? He's hot , your neighbor's a stripper. They were bound to find each other . Go go dancer. No you take away two pieces of cloth, she is a stripper. said Amy .

" Rude"

" Oh , Shit ! Oh shit , he saw us!

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" Oh , Shit ! Oh shit , he saw us!

" Whoa! Maybe Its not a big deal" said Amy in a annoyed tone

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" Whoa! Maybe Its not a big deal" said Amy in a annoyed tone

"Its a huge deal, okay? Very big deal. He looked at us and he was pissed

" Okay Charley , if you're not into this , can you just tell me ? Because you don't have to do me a favor.

" Amy , I'm not doing you any favors. Of course , I'm into this. Of course. I don't trust that guy"

" You're so stupid Charley . I'm going"

"Oh come on . I'm sorry"

"No, I'm going. I'm going to leave you to look out the window at the neighbors and have fun with your neighborhood watch thing "

With that Amy left and left Charley in his room .

He was trying to sleep, but was inturupted by a women's scream.

" Oh shit" Charley took out is phone and dialed 911.

Operator : 911

The store was Kind of empty , so I had time. To stop at a Bookstore and bought some books and now I was heading home.

When I arrived , I saw a police car parked in front of Jerry's house.

They were asking him questions about a women's scream being heard.

" A women screaming?" Is what I heard him say to the cops.

" You bet she screamed " he said .As he and the cops continue to laugh.

" You bet I made her scream " Jeez.

"Keep it down a bit "

" Sure , absolutely "

What's all I heard , and then I quickly got inside the house , before those cops come here and ask me a much of question.

" Charley , I'm back " I called out but there was no answer. I ran upstairs quickly and but some books away and went down to put some stuff in the fridge.

" Charley " I called his name again. I then open his room. But there was nobody there.

I went back to my room and turn on the tv. I flipped through the channels , trying to find something interesting.

I stop at a channel and saw that they were having a Scream Marathon. So I left it there.

I then got my black shorts and shirt. And started to undress , but then I notice that my window curtain was open.

" Oh shit " I quickly went over and shut it. But I saw something in the other window that really freaked me out. There was a shadow staring at me

I ignored it and climb into my bed and started to watch it movies.

I only got to the end of Scream 3 , and after that my eyes started to feel heavy and I fell asleep.

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