Meeting The Real Mr. Vincent

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Shanking out of it Peter removed his leather jacket and moved over to the bar. H e pulled out a glass bottle with green liquid in it."Come on! Come on ! It looks like pee, but I'm hooked , Do you want some ?"

"Come on! Come on ! It looks like pee, but I'm hooked , Do you want some ?"

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"I'm good , thank you" Charely said shaking his head.

"How about you sweet thing?'

" No, and I have a name " I replied .

"Mmm, ok. " said Peter. "No? Too much for you. You wanta Shirley Temple?" He questioned Charley pouring some Midori in a glass filled with ice.

Charley laughed nervously but shook his head while I snorted. He sat down next to me.

"So, I'm the expert for your vampire thing, huh?" he moved his wig, "There all the rage." Peter sauntered over to his chair grabbing his crotch roughly in the leather pants he wore before sinking down into it. "Leather , it doesn't breath, Fucking rashes are fucking killing me. He squirmed a little more before turning to Charley. "Shoot

"Right . Well look, I Know your show. I know your show is an illusion." Charley stated.

"Meaning Bullshit?" Peter commented. Charley nodded. "Fair enough."

"But say I wanted to kill a vampire" Charley started.

Peter began to laugh as he was removing his beard and mustache. "Yah, sorry go on"

"How  would I go about doing that?" he finish.

"You want to know how to kill a vampire? Seriously? " Peter questioned taking of the side burns and eye piercing .

"Yeah, kill a vampire" Charley said nodding his head.

"Well. let's think . You got fire , be heading . You can make him a big garlicky omelet. Or go traditional , stake through the heart . BAM!" Peter said laughing .

"Cool , So that stuff really works ? " Charley questioned.

"Well maybe not the Omelet "He said shaking his head . "How the fuck should I know ?"

"I don't know , You have all this stuff , and your "Peter Vincent ...I don't know , I'm not sure" Charley said shaking his head.

" I read books! , You think I'm hanging out with Dracula and the Easter Bunny ? Fuck off." He said getting up and moving towards the bar.

"I'm sorry , but I have a personal interest in this

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"I'm sorry , but I have a personal interest in this. I think one of them got my friend "said Charley. 

"What , One of them " meaning a vampire " ?" He questioned pouring Midori on a rag.

"Yeah. Jerry. He lives next door to us" Charley answered

"Jerry? Jerry The Vampire ? "Peter laughed using the rag to remove his fake tattoos.

"Do you think  I don't know how this sounds? , Two days ago , I would have laughed in my face , but it's really happening . I'm so far down the rabbit hole. I was in his house , or his lair or whatever and I got these pictures" Charley said taking out the pictures. "If you just look at them?"

"Okay, Get out " Pete said throwing the rag on the bar counter.

"No , please " Charley pleaded

"You're a nut job. Ginger ! Peter called .

"I'm not ! I know what I saw " Charley argued

"You don't collect this stuff. You don't have all these stuff. If you don't believe , and I promise you, I can take you to him. I can show you what you been waiting for" Charley said hoping peter would listen. But I knew he wouldn't.

"What , in Clark County , Nevada? Ginger ! That's a hot bed of supernatural "He nodded not believing Charley.

"It's though . It's a genius. It's a transient population . People work all night , they sleep all day " Charley said.

I then saw Ginger , Peter's assistant walk in, she looked annoyed.

"Get this loser out of my sight, please . Peter argued

"He got my friend already ! I'm not crazy. I'm not. I don't want to know this shit please . Just look at the pictures" Charley pleaded.

"Get the fuck out of my house " Peter said sharply.

"Time to go doll" Ginger said gently grabbing Charley and I followed.

I glanced at Peter Vincent.

"And you " He glanced at me with narrowed eyes. "You just indulge in his insanities , isn't that right , Sweetheart?"

"My name isn't sweet thing or sweetheart, Its Liliana and he's not crazy" I replied.

"Have you seen anything, that supports his theory ?" He said.

"No" I looked into his eyes " My brother might be the biggest asshole, but if he's freaking out like this , then it's probably true"

"Do yourself a favor sweetheart " Peter  said smirking at me. "If you really care about your brother you'd get him help.

" Fine , thank you for your time " I said

" Any time , sweet thing " said Peter with a smirk.

"And here , I thought you were cool, but now that I see the real Peter Vincent , it makes me think what a fake ass you are " I turn on my heels .

And walk out of his apartment , Charley was already outside waiting for me.

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