Sweet, Sweet Girl

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The sun hit my eyes and look to my side.

" Oh shit , I'm late."I said.

I quickly got up and ran towards the bathroom. Turn on the shower and started the process of washing everything.

When I got off , I dried myself and went back to my room. As I walked their , I notice Charley wasn't in his room and looked the same as yesterday.

" Weird " I said out loud.

I put on a blue shirt and white skirt. Mom was in the kitchen.

" See ya mom " I called out

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" See ya mom " I called out.

" Wait a minute , aren't you going , going to leave properly " said mom.

"But mom ...."

" Not but , young lady" said my mom.

I walked in the kitchen and to kiss her goodbye.

When I entered , she had this looked on her face.

" Liliana , are you going to school like that" said mom

" Yes"

I kissed her on the check and left quickly before she would say something.

The garage door open quickly , mom stood there wave , I also wave and drove away.

3rd POV
Unknown to them , they were being watched by someone , who hid in the shadows.

Charley had arrived home and know was in his room. He noticed that his sister wasnt home anymore. He got worried.

Then his mom entered the room.

" Hey , You're going to be late. Your sister already left. Seriously the hours you keep. Its like living with a vampire.

" Mom. That guy Jerry, next door. Under no circumstances is he invited into our house all right " said Charley.

" I think I can handle myself "

"Mom , please , I'm serious. Don't acknowledge him. Don't talk him and at night , please stay inside. And also tell Liliana to stay away from him " said Charley.

" Why? Because he's dangerous? " said her mother in a sarcastic tone.

"I can't answer a million questions , right now , will you trust me? "

"Charley , stop ! I'm your mom, not some ridiculous woman."

"I'm sorry , I can't to this right now. I can't answer a million things right now "

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