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3rd POV
As they drove to Adam's house, they didn't know that they were being watched by Jerry , who lurked around his dark Garage.

When we arrived , Ed was finishing a call, but he then he  saw us and put it back in his pocket. And said "Dude , where the hell have you two been ? Ed asked.

"You said after school" Charley said.

"Yeah, I meant right after, This is dusk". Ed stated.

"Well , I was studying for a test. I said.

"Lily, not lie , mom told me what you were doing , And were planning" Charley said.

"Don't say it " I hissed .

"Still. Don't you know what that means ?" Ed asked.

"No, We have no idea . Let me consult in my pocket dictionary" Charley replied in sarcastic tone .

"Nice" Ed muttered before knocking on the door.

"Hello ? Anybody home? Ed asked "Nope" Ed muttered before ringing the doorbell. But there was no answer. Ed snuck into the house through the dog door that Adam's parents had. He open the door and lets us in.

"This is nuts " Charley mutters as Ed open a duffle bag.

"I really hate to tell you this , but that guy, your neighbor , he's a vampire , guys" Ed said .

"Ed your my best friend and I love you like a brother, but seriously are you don't making these up, because it isn't funny" I said.

"Our neighbor ? next door?" Charley asked .

"Yeah" Ed replied .

"Jerry ? We just met him" I said .

"Okay, jerry" Ed muttered, As he pulled out a wooden stake from the duff bag.

"That is a terrible vampire name, Jerry?" Charley replied .

"I didn't name him man , I'm just reporting the facts " Ed stated as he walked down the hall.

Unknown to the trio , there was a man's figure that appeared , but it then disappeared.

"Dude" Charley sighed out as I follow right behind him. Then I felt that something was watching and I turn back and there was nothing there. I just shook my head and continue through Adam's house.

"Hello? Adam?" Ed whispered as we went up the stairs. Then Charley stomps , heavily.

"Shh! Ed hissed "Yo. Its Ed" Ed whispered as we went in to one of the rooms. Then , Ed got startled and started to stab one of the cardboards cut out wit a stake and a crucifix "Geez , I feel stupid . It's a cardboard cut out" Ed said .

"Nice" Charley said in a sarcastic tone.

"There not here , dude" Charley said.

"Its not jus them , okay . Listen to me. I saw this thing on channel 13 where there was this lady who escaped an attacker that tried to bite her." Ed said

"Why are you walking like that ?" Charley asked , noticing how Ed was walking very cautiously .

"All right , listen to me. Adam and I graphed out all the attacks , all disappearances . Whole families , gone" Ed said .

"It happens all the time , Nobody lives in Vegas. The just pass through " Charley stated .

"You two live in Vegas. That's your house there in the center , next to his house and Perry's old place "Ed started showing us a graph of our subdivision. "His windows are completely blacked out .

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