A Real Fright Night

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3rd POV
Charley then kicked the door open in and entered.He looked around having his weapon ready and flashlight. Then he started to open the windows to let light in.

Then he started to walk to upstairs flashing every moment, ready to fight Jerry.

He then open the door that he had gone through when he sneak in to rescue Doris.

"Amy, Lily" said Charley."Amy ! Lily!"

"Charley" scream Amy.

"You all right?" Asked Charley.

"Hey , Yeah" answered Amy.

"Hang on. I"m going to get you out .But wait have you seen Lily. Any where ?" He asked.

"Hurry! and No I havent seen her" she said.

Then there was a scream , when Charley open the door where Amy was, there was no one there."Shit. Shit" He said.

"Amy! Lily! He left the room and walk away , but in the way he bumbped into someone.

"Fuck" they cried.

"Sorry" Said Charley

"I guess I dont want to be a man like me either " He commented.

Peter opened his jacket to show he was armed and ready to take on Vampires "Let's kill something

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Peter opened his jacket to show he was armed and ready to take on Vampires "Let's kill something."

Charley nodded before moving. back into the room and showing Peter the room that Amy was in.

"How could she have disappeared when I was just talking to her ?" Charley questioned

Peter snorted "Floor trap. I used them all the time"

And with that he used a knife and pries open the trap door.

"What do you think is down there?" Charley asked.

Peter turned to him. "There's only one way to find out."

"Your going down " asked Charley.

"See that ? Like a great date. You get me drunk , I'll try anything" Said Peter as he lowered himself .

They flashed everywhere before climbing down.

"Peter , Peter' asked Charley looking for him.

"Oh shit , I may not be drunk enough for this. " said Peter.

"After you" said Peter as both him and Charley walk to the door. They looked around with Charley flashlight.

Charley threw him a look before continuing on. Moving up some steps they passed the doorway. Looking around Charley shined his flashlight left and right to make sure Jerry doesn't ambush them. Shinning the light in front of them he could see a part of them he could see a part of the foundation tore down in the shape of a door. Peter reached up and clicked on a light.

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