His Unholy Bride

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3rd POV

Upstairs in Peter Vincent's condo , Peter was gathering his luggage and stop at his little bar to get a drink before heading out.

"Shit! How did you get in here ?" asked Peter , when he saw Charley standing in front of him.

"Security is a little lax since everybody got their throat torn out" said Charley looking a Peter.

"You , too ? Has he turned you?" asked Peter.

"Check your monitor, man " replied Charley.

Peter then got a little closer to where Charley was , and check his camera monitors and sure enough , every security was dead.

"I don't know if Amy and Lily are Alive or dead or turned, but he got them " said Charley. "I'm going to end him , or he's going to end me , that's how it's going to be, and you're gonna come with me" said Charley.

Peter just stared at him and then turn to grab his bottle "Don't you understand this yet ? There will be no fighting ." said Peter as he poured himself a glass. "There will only be surviving " he said putting the bottle down.

"Maybe" said Peter.

"Really?" asked Charley. " You think if you live and we all die, you'll be able to get us out of your head? said Charley.

"No, I know I won't . I never could after the first time. " said Peter leaning against his bar. "So I told myself I made it up , I was a kid. Figured it was easier to believe in monsters " Said Peter.

"Made what up?" asked Charley.

"The vampire that killed my parents, but not me. "said Peter. And that got Charley thinking .

"You think I collected all this stuff because it was bitching? said Peter.

"Come with me. We'll go in at dawn. He's got to rest some time " said Charley.

"The only reason I survived the last time is because I had the sense to hide, said Peter getting closer to Charley. "If you want to be a dead hero , good for you. I'm out." he said turning his back on Charley.

"You think I'm a coward. I'm not , I'm a realist ." pointing to Charley and then pouring some more alcohol into his glass.

"So you just bail on people, Hey, I get it. My dad was like that. But I don't want to live till tomorrow if you're the kind of man I'm going to be." Charley said and turn to leave. Leaving Peter there , standing speechless.

"Hang on. Wait" said Peter and Charley stop and turn. "Blessed by Saint Michael. " Peter said showing what look like a stake. " You will kill your vampire with this, it's supposed to change his victims back. Maybe you can still save your girlfriend and sister." Giving Charley the stake.

"If it for real.' asked Charley looking through the stake.

"You got a plan? There's no guarantee he'll be sleeping. To stake him , you got to get close. Torch him, A vampire on fire Is not thinking clearly. " said Peter.

"If he's on fire, how do I get close enough to stake him ?" asked Charley and Peter just stared at him.

"Fuck " said Peter.

I women's scream woke me up , I tried to get up , but I couldn't something was holding me down, then I look to my side and saw that my wrist were tied to the bed.

" Amy?!" I called out. I look down at myself and saw that I had a short white dress , that showed the line of my breast and then I was horrify when I look down , I was covered in blood.

"Where am I ?" I wonder.

Then I heard more screams and lifted my head. "Amy!" I called out again and then the door open , there I saw him, standing there. His black shirt was unbutton revealing his abs and collarbone.

I swallowed when I saw his black pants unbuckle. He then came closer to me.

"You bastard " I growled "What did you do to us ?! , What are you doing to Amy?" I asked.

"Blah, blah , blah " He said imitating a mouth speaking with his right hand as he sat down on the bed and started to touch my leg softly and began to kiss it from the bottom to the top.

"Lily , not be shy. I know this is your first time, I'm not going to hurt you" he said as he pulled my panties down.

"What do you want ? Please ... let us go " I begged him.

"I only want you to bear my child "he said throwing his shirt to the ground.

"But why me ?" I asked him.

" I need a virgin , to be able to get what I want " he said Taking his pants off.

"Just look into my eyes , and you won't feel a thing "he said pulling the dress up.

I was now under his trance. As I layed in the bed he got in and started to have sex with me.

The thrust were painful for me , I tried to scream , put I couldn't.

I was losing my virginity to this demon of hell.

As he was climaxing , he bit me. The blood the started to fill the bed. He got more excited as he licked every part of my body.

I felt disgusted about it.

He finally finish and then fell on top of me.

"You were good ," he said. Getting up and then he began to untie my wrist.

I just nodded my head. And followed him , down the hallway.

"I want to see your brothers face , when he finds out , what I did " he said as walk and buckle his pants.

I nodded and started to feel dizzy.

" Here let me help you " he said carrying me and then open a door. "I leave you here so you can transform properly , after that I will make you into my unholy bride , in front of your brother's face " he said and closed the door.

Everything was foggy and dizzy and then everything went black.

3rd POV
After leaving the hotel Charley was now sitting beside his mother.

He stayed there until sunrise and decide what he should do.

He entered a hardware store and got everything he needed. Put the stuff in the front counter and then the men look up at him.

"I'm going to kill a vampire ." said Charley.

"Good for you " said the man smiling

Charley drove there in the beat up car that belong to the man Jerry have killed last night. He got of the car and open the trunk of the car and got all the stuff he needed .

He armed himself in everything he had bought , then started to walk to the house that belong to Jerry , that hold his Amy and his beloved sister , Lily.

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