Meeting Him

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I had made it to school just in time. And now I was sitting in one of my classes. The teacher was roll calling.

"Ben Wegner ?" She asked

"Here" Ben replied

"Nick Stanley? Nick? she called again.

Here in Clark County. It was common for people to not stay long.

"Courtney Frank?" she asked

"Here". she replied

"Adam Johnson ? Adam ?" she called out.

I turned to Adam's desk and there was no one there. Could my dream be truth , Adam being dragged of by this creature.

I was snapped out of my thoughts as my teacher called my Name. "Here" I replied and rolled called continued and class eventually began.

I walk through the hallway to my locker and saw Charley along with his new group of "Friends " Mark And Ben, also with him I saw his little girlfriend. I walked past , not wanting to pull attention to myself.

I quickly turned the knob of my locker in a hurry , so I didn't  have Mark, always sexually harassing whatever he found me alone.

"Liliana Brewster , why are you avoiding me ?"  He crookedly smirked , with his sidekick Ben standing right beside him smugly as I shut my locker.

"Because I have better things to do , than to hag out with a dope head like you" I replied

He ignored my comment , and said "Babe" he swung his arm around me and brought me closer to him "Why don't you dump your group of loser friends and hang out with us.

"First of all, I am not your babe. And there not losers there are better friends , than you could be, As I was turning around , I heard a loud smack from behind me.

Looking at Mark I asked him, "Did you just smack my ass?"

"Of course , you have a perfect firm ass, Lilliana , "He said still grinning

"OH ok , I see " I turn to face him and smiled sweetly and touch his face. He smiled , then I knee him right in his men part.

I knelt beside him, and looking at him in the eye and I said "See what happens when you touch something that doesn't belong to you."

Standing back up, I turn and smiled at Ed and Charley . "Let's go"

With help from his side kicked Ben , Mark was able to stand "You stupid bitch ,Brewster"

Turning I said , "That's what you deserved you dick"

And I just left Mark there with pain and humiliation .


" I need to talk to you and Charley" Ed said

"What's is it , Ed?" I need to be in class in about less than 3 minutes.

"Adam's Missing "Ed said

"What do you mean he's missing?" I asked.

"I keep trying ,no text , no phone calls , nothing" Ed said.

"Ed, you know he's not the only one that is gone " I said .

"Kids aren't coming to school, it happens all the time" Charley said carelessly.

"Adam is too of a goody two shoes to skip class and you know that, remembered when he got very sick , he still came" I said.

"So, what do you want me to do about it?" Charley asked.

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