Bloody Seduced

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"We're going to be okay. All right? Charley said, reassuring Amy.

"Yeah" Amy replied.

"Trust me .Come on." Charley said.

We had gone down another hallway, but stopped when it was blocked."Dammit " Charley hissed.

In his panic room , Peter was still hiding from Ed, next to him was an arm of Ed.

"Give it up , Chuck " We heard Ed say.

"Come on " Charley whispered as we hid behind one of the glass cases that was filled with weapons.

"If you hadn't turned out to be such a dick, I might have tricked you out, We could have rocked this evil shit together! "Ed said as he walk through the hallway of museum , with part of his arm taken away from him,

Meanwhile down stairs the security was busy with the computers , but he caught someone trying to pass by " Sigh in , please." said the security. "Sign in, all right? Hey ! I'm taking to you." said the security getting up.

He got to where Jerry was and said " I need you to sign in. No exceptions..." He then was attacked by Jerry , but in the camera it look like nobody was attacking him.

Ed continue to follow us around. And then he began to talk " I expected more of a fight from you , Brewster. Girl's made you lazy in the head. That's how I felt when I was with your sister. Pussy will do that." said Ed as he continue to walk around some more.

"I can hear you breathing. It's really fucking cool. I can feel you. I can taste you." I was hearing Ed say . "Your soo...."

Amy, Charley and I looked at each other as we pushed the glass down.

"Fuck" Ed exclaimed.

"Come on ! " said Charley and we took of running. With Ed following us" Not so fast , Chuck. " said Ed. And we turn to face him.

Charley quickly grabbed a dagger.

"We got some catching up to do, my friend." Ed said.

"Amy , go and take Lily with you. Please go !"Said Charley. Amy then grabbed my arm and lead me away from my brother and best friend.

The last thing I saw was Ed had Charley by the throat. And slide him across the room.

We manage to go though another hallway and I saw a glass case that had a revolver in it. Amy manage to elbow the glass and she grabbed the revolver. As she was filling the revolver, Slowly I saw him come. "Amy" I breathed out. Amy then turn around to see what I was looking at.

"I'm so glad you two are here" Jerry said.

Amy then cocks the gun and starts to shoot it multiple times, but it had little to no effect on him. Jerry then startes to take one of the bullets out of his shoulder.

"Werewolves" Jerry said as he advanced towards us.

Amy used the gun to smash the glass next to us and tales the goblet of holy water. "Vampires" Amy said as she plashes the water on Jerr. He made an animalisitc sound as Amy and I escaped.

 He made an animalisitc sound as Amy and I escaped

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