Seduced by A Vampire

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" Now , what " I asked. Walking along him to the car.

" I don't know " he said.

The drive to the house was silent and parking the car , we both got out.

"You could have done something" he snapped.

" Like , what seduce him ?" I demanded.

" That probably could have worked " said Charley.

I smack him and said " What kind of girl, do you think I I'm , I'm not a slut like Amy "

" Amy is not a slut" he responded.

" Whatever" I said and closed my door.

I took of my clothes and grab a towel. I put on a pink bikini.

I saw him still standing there , I was walking by him " Where do you think your going" he said grabbing my hand.

" I'm going outside, in the back yard" I said , trying to pull away.

" You know , you can't go outside " he exclaimed.

"Look , I don't care anymore, now let me go" I said and putch him .

I rest my head against the chair , now I felt complete relaxation , no annoying girlfriends brother , to fight with.

The sunlight hit my body , but I didn't mind at all , I continue laying in the chair, unit I saw the sunlight go almost down , that's when I decide to go back in. I grab the handle , and attempted to open the door. It was locked . I narrowed my eyes at the door handle in annoyance before knocking. I knock a few times , but Charley didn't answer. Maybe he's still mad , for me punching him.

Now I will have to go around, in this bikini. Oh well ,I grab my towel and tried to hid most of my body .

I started to walk , I was still pissed about Charley, that I didn't watch where I was goin. I hit something and fell to the ground.

"Sorry about that , I didn't watch were I was......." I said and looked up. And there he was standing , holding a hand to me. I was almost entice my him, that I stop talking.

"Its ok" he said , with a smirk.

"Ummm" I said.

I tried to cover some more , when I got him seeing me up and down. I was getting a bit uneasy. I tried to me polite and smile some more.

"You know , you different from your brother, same blood , but different personality. he said stroking my face.

I smiled, trying not to blush. As I was turning away , he grab me and pulled me against him, I could feel his muscle as he brought me close to his chest. He smirked and move his hand against my face ever so softly .

I could smell his cologne. It was really strong .Looking at his eyes , was the thing that got my attention. They were dark and cold , reminding me of coal.

He smiled , bringing me to him, putting his hand under my chin and his thumb crossed my lips.

"So Beautiful " He said.

I was speechless as I was now under his influence.My towel fell to the ground. His hands made themselves through my body.

He brought his lips to mine and I closed my eyes. The kiss was full of lust and desire. Even if it was my first kiss , I felt it like it was the best.

He pull away and I was left speechless. A smirk form on his face.

I then grab his face and look into his eyes. I pressed my lips against his and they felt so sweet. I quickly pulled away.

"We can't " I said. Trying to back away from him.

" Why not ?" He said. Bring my body close to him.

" Its not legal" I said.

"Oh really , " he said. With a smirk.

He held my hand and began lo lead me away to his house. But then something grab my other hand and pulled me away from him.

I look to see , who it was. It was Charley , who had a firm grip and lead me away from him.

Jerry didn't look happy , he looked pissed and walked away.

Now we were in the house , I was in my room looking out the window , trying to find him, but there was no sign of him. I put on the same clothes I had , earlier.

I got up and look away from the window. Something then got my attention , the smell of garlic made my nose tickle.

I went to where the smell was coming from , and found the house filled with Garlic. The house look like the show of Dark shadows.

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